Volumes and Books and Chapters and Verses

Greek-New-Testament Volumes and books and chapters and versesIt is common for the source documents of many religions to be organized into smaller units to facilitate study and reference. The Dhammapada is a collection of sayings of the Buddha in verse form. It has 26 chapters, with each chapter having both a number and a name. Early Christians created chapter divisions for the books of the Bible.  The ones used today were formulated in the 13th Century. The verse divisions used today were created in the 1500’s. Each of the surahs or chapters of the Quran have both names and numbers. The surahs are divided into ayahs or verses.

Volumes and books and chapters and verses

The New Message from God is following in this tradition. A major reorganization of the written works of the New Message from God is currently underway. This is part of the even larger project of compiling a final written version of the New Message from God in the lifetime of Marshall Vian Summers.

God Has Spoken Again is Volume 1, Book 1 (There are a number of other books to be released in the future which will be in Volume 1)
Greater Community Spirituality is Volume 2, Book 1.
Relationships and Higher Purpose is Volume 2, Book 2.
Steps to Knowledge is Volume 3, Book 1
Steps to Knowledge, Continuation Training is Volume 3, Book 2
Living the Way of Knowledge is Volume 3, Book 3
The Great Waves of Change is Volume 4, Book 1
Life in the Universe is Volume 4, Book 2
Wisdom from the Greater Community, Volume 1 is Volume 5, Book 1
Wisdom from the Greater Community, Volume 2 is Volume 5, Book 2
Secrets of Heaven is Volume 6, Book 1

Volumes and books and chapters and verses. One could consider the Bible as existing in two volumes (Old and New Testaments), with Volume 1 having 39 books (Genesis to Malachi) and Volume 2 having 27 books (Matthew to Revelation)

Volumes and books and chapters and verses. The book God Has Spoken Again is the first book to be released in verse form. The verses aren’t currently numbered, but they could be in the future. The existing books will be re-released in verse form in the future. Therefore, the larger vision is that each part of the New Message from God will be identifiable by volume, book, chapter and verse. For example, the portions of the revelation “The Proclamation” on which I have commented are Volume 1, Book 1, Chapter 1, Verses 1-12.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Another Book, Not Just Another Book

GHS-front-cover Another book, not just another book.This time of the year is when the New Message from God releases a book. For example, the book Life in the Universe was released in the fall of 2012. The book Secrets of Heaven was released in the fall of 2013. In the fall of 2015, a new book is being released, God Has Spoken Again.

Another book, not just another book

This book is like the other books in that they are all comprised of material received by Marshall Vian Summers in a state of revelation.

Another book, not just another book. This book is different from the other books in that the chapters of this book were received in different times and different places. For example, Chapter 1, “The Proclamation,” was received in July of 2006 in Boulder, Colorado, while Chapter 7, “The Blessing,” was received in April of 2007 in Istanbul, Turkey.

Another book, not just another book. In October of 2014, I wrote that efforts are being made to compile a complete written version of the New Message from God during the lifetime of its messenger, Marshall Vian Summers. This book is the first book released by the New Message from God to be released as part of the 6-volume set of teachings. This book is not Volume 1. This book is the first of seven books so far comprising Volume 1. This book is Volume 1, Book 1.

Another book, not just another book. Some people are wondering “How much do they want for this book?” The answer is “It depends.” The paper version is currently available for $14.95. An online version was made available this month at no charge at the newly-remodeled New Message from God website. Therefore, this is clearly not a money-making venture, although it wouldn’t hurt to break even.

Another book, not just another book. It is my sincere hope that this book will be read and contemplated by individuals who seek to be strong contributors to humanity.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

A Worldwide Community Of Responders

Step 212 of Steps to Knowledge. I gain strength from all who practice with me. Earth from space. A worldwide community of respondersThe 2014 Encampment of the New Message from God had two firsts on Day 4. One of the firsts was a live webcast from an Encampment. The other first was a broadcast of a revelation from an Encampment, “The Worldwide Community of God’s New Message.”


This revelation was received on September 26, 2014. Yes, that’s right, about six weeks ago, about one week before the Encampment. The Encampment attendees had been notified that this revelation had been received. Therefore there was a certain anticipation as to what this revelation had to say about us and our fellow responders.

A worldwide community of responders

I can imagine someone reading this and thinking “Responders? Oh is that what you’re calling yourselves these days?” It is indeed. There was a time when we referred to ourselves as “students of the New Message.” But given that the Pashto word “Taliban” means “students,” that word has already been freighted with unfortunate connotations. One of the attendees on Day 2 referred to the people at Encampment as “first responders” to the Great Waves of Change, the difficult times ahead. The teaching Marshall read from Secrets of Heaven on Day 2 used the word “respond.” The revelation shared on Day 4 referred to us as “respondents,” as if the New Message from God was a plaintiff, requesting something from us. Variations of the words respond, responder, and respondent were in the verbal environment of Encampment.

The revelation “The Worldwide Community of God’s New Message” had many things to say. It is my hope you will read it. But in the meantime, I will try to share some of what it has to say.

The Society (some of whom I have recently introduced to you) will be the people who will play the leadership roles in the future of the New Message from God.

If you think the New Message from God is just about you, please do us all a favor and go somewhere else.

In the past, there have been people who have considered the emergence of one of God’s messengers to be an opportunity to use the messenger to promote their own agenda. I’m recalling Simon Zealotes’s song from the movie “Jesus Christ Superstar”

“There must be over fifty thousand
Screaming love and more for you.
And everyone of fifty thousand
Would do whatever you asked them to.
Keep them yelling their devotion,
But add a touch of hate at Rome.
You will rise to a greater power.
We will win ourselves a home!”

If you are going to be a “cafeteria New Message responder,” someone who picks and chooses the parts to which they respond and rejects other parts, please do us all a favor and go somewhere else.

If you wish to demonstrate the sincerity of your response, there are some things you can do. You can take the Steps to Knowledge (referred to in the revelation as “the Pathway”). You can read the revelations. You can read the books. You can listen to the recordings. You can listen to the voice of revelation, the audio of the messages.

The ambitious, the self-seeking and the self-serving are hazards to the future of the New Message from God.

If you wish to implement your own plan for presenting the New Message from God, please do us all a favor and go somewhere else. The revelation characterized this as “playing the Judas role.”

After the death of Marshall Vian Summers, nothing further will be added to the New Message. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something.

Being a responder to the New Message is being part of a community.

As I listened to this at Encampment, this portion resonated with me: “If you love humanity, if you love this world, if you love freedom, if you love inspiration, then this is the mountain you must climb. And this is not a mountain you will climb alone.”

I recalled the 4% figure Marshall shared as I heard this portion: “Even at this moment, there are millions waiting to receive God’s New Revelation. How will you find them? How will you reach them in time? How will you give them the gift that will liberate their minds and their hearts and provide a pathway out of the jungle of their circumstances?”

Marshall shared some things at the webcast, but I feel they should be addressed in another post. But after hearing the revelation, I came away with a clearer picture of what a worldwide community of responders might look like.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

“We’re Going To Need A Bigger Room”

Marshall Vian Summers in Siem Reap, Cambodia We're going to need a bigger roomMarshall Vian Summers spoke briefly at the 2014 Encampment of the New Message from God. He gave a brief blessing at the end of the first day. On the second day, he read a page from his book Secrets of Heaven, then said “That’s my teaching for tonight.”

We’re going to need a bigger room

He compared his journey to that of the character Mojud in the dervish tale “The Man with the Inexplicable Life.”. Mojud was guided by a mysterious, benevolent teacher with great wisdom and mystic knowledge. He was guided to go to places he had never been, and to do things he had never done. And as he went to these places and did these things, certain miraculous things started to happen. Sometime around the time Marshall referred to this story, he said “Heaven needs to know that I’m reliable.”

On the evening of the third day, he opened himself a little to questions from the attendees. His answers were relatively succinct. But he said something that evening that struck me like a bomb, and still does when I recall it. He asked “What is 4% of the 7 point something population of the world?” I foolishly shouted out “28 million!” It turns out I was low by an order of magnitude. It was actually 280 million. After the 280,000,000 was confirmed, Marshall, with a slightly mischievous grin, calmly said “We’re going to need a bigger room” to great laughter.

I realize that some might consider that remark to be highly ambitious. On the other hand, he didn’t set a deadline, so he might be referring to sometime in the future. But there is a phrase ringing and singing in my soul, and that phrase is “The world is ‘here,’ the future is ‘now.'” What do we need to get to 280,000,000? Multiple miracles. Perhaps that’s what the Step 28 prayer of Steps to Knowledge was referring to when it said, “I accept the miracles of my life as a demonstration of the presence of Knowledge…” All I know is that if 4% of the world engaged with the New Message from God, humanity would be a much better, much stronger race.

We’re going to need a bigger room. I’m going to lie down for a while.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Expressing Greatness


In Step 45, I recognized my limitations, which gives me humility. And in humility I am in a position to receive greatness.

Step 46. “I Must Be Small To Be Great” of Steps to Knowledge says, “Allow yourself to be small, and you will experience that greatness is with you and that greatness is part of you.”

My journal for this step says, “For me this Step leads on from the last one, it is a continued lesson in humility. Being small for me means being humble, which in turn does not mean disparaging myself, or thinking of myself as a lowly, unworthy being, rather it means recognizing that I am fallible, that I am teachable. It brings me back down to size (if I have been engaged in self-aggrandizement) and makes me aware that I don’t know it all and that if I am capable of greater things, it is not due to my own merits, but because I am allowing Knowledge to work through me.”

The Step goes on to say, “You are meant to be a vehicle for a Greater Reality to express itself in the this world.”

To me, being a vehicle implies being a tool, a means, a channel, if you will, for bringing something beneficial into the world.  So, for me, it has more to do with the mind than the body.

Expressing greatness

greatnessAt this point I am recalling a book I used to read to my children called “The Little Me and THE GREAT ME” by Lou Austin that talks about God being a Partner and how to enter that partnership.  All the child has to do is exhale the little me and inhale the Great Me, and the Spirit of God comes in with the air he or she breathes, and then the child is happy and loving and kind. But it takes a conscious choice, the child has to want to be the Great Me and breathe in the spirit of God, thus becoming God’s Partner.

I too make a conscious choice. It may not be to exhale the small self as portrayed in this book, but I still choose to recognize my smallness, realizing that even though I am small, I can still express the greatness of a Greater Reality because Knowledge works through me.

And as always, I take great delight in reading something that resonates entirely with what I am pondering. I opened an email letter from a fellow traveler this morning to read, “All true spiritual work is an attempt to allow the Self to dominate and learn how to let it guide the small self and put it to service in the world.”

There is a Self with a capital letter within me, a Great Me wishing to be expressed, but I need to be small, to be humble, to recognize my limitations in order for what is great to find its joyful expression.

P.S. I just opened Secrets of Heaven to page 186 and read:

“The experience of greatness will give you the perspective needed to give yourself permission to follow what you know.”

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Working Through A Limited Self

limited self

Photo credit to Will Parfitt

When I say I am working through a limited self, what do I mean? Step 45. “Alone I can do nothing” of Steps to Knowledge says, “You work through the individual that is you personally, but you are greater than this. Accept the limitations of a limited self…”

I have shared on Step 45 before in this space, but I would like to elaborate some more today. When reconsidering this step to write this post I was particularly drawn by the idea of a limited self and the potential it has for doing nothing alone.

When I did Step 45 on December 23, 2013, I wrote in my notes: “I am very aware of this concept of accepting my limitations, recognizing them, which gives me humility, and in humility I am in a position to receive greatness. To put it in a different way, I often feel the humility that comes with recognizing my flaws, my disabilities, and in the past it has always been a new starting point to build up from again. And now this Step is teaching me that I can come to a position of strength and even accept and receive greatness in my life from this understanding of my limitations.”

There is not much I can do alone because I am working through a limited self. But in reality I am not alone, for I am part of a greater whole.

This becomes particularly apparent when I am drawn to other comments by Steps to Knowledge students that express other facets of the same idea.

Douglas brought my attention to one such comment: “God doesn’t get rid of our disabilities. He gives us great things to do,” said by someone (maybe Marshall himself he thinks) at Encampment last year.

And another veteran Steps student, Tom C, wrote in his blog on his Steps practice on Step 45 in reference to sharing his journal entries: “This opens me up, which may be a risk, but we need to know others in order that we together can do things. Thoughts can make us feel alone when no one else seems to share them. That has been my experience.”

This sharing brings the idea that alone I can do nothing closer to home.

I also find it very encouraging when I am pondering a particular idea and I am shown more confirmation of the very same idea. For instance, on the day I wrote this post, I opened Secrets of Heaven to page 192 and read:

You cannot find truth alone, for the truth is you are not alone.

Working through a limited self

My own notes for this step go on to say: “I am also aware that when I engage in creative writing and also in my professional work as a translator I receive inspiration and strength from some deep source within me that I now understand to be Knowledge. So indeed I can do nothing alone, from a separate, individual standpoint, only from a position of strength that transcends my limitations and comes from God.”

Indeed I do feel much of what I am able to contribute in the world comes not from me, from my limited self, but from a deeper well of inspiration and plenty, a source that is connected with the All There Is we call God.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

“Secrets of Heaven” Published

During the 2012 Encampment, there was a time when we read sections of messages received by Marshall Vian Summers during the early days of his work, starting in 1983.  A microphone was passed from person to person, and each person read one of the sections, while the rest of the room both listened and read the section on a screen at the front of the room.  As we read these sections, there was a warm presence of happiness and encouragement in the room.  These sections are now available to the general public in the form of the book “Secrets of Heaven: Mystery Teachings of the Angels”

This book is currently available in paperback, and I believe it will be available as an e-book soon.  I ordered my copy last week.  I’m told I should receive it by tomorrow night.  I haven’t been able to browse through it yet, but there are already a number of reviews at Amazon.  Here is the review with the most helpful votes so far:

“I find this book to be so very inspiring.  It is not something you pick up and read in one sitting.  Each page contains a quote that make you stop and contemplate on.  It makes no difference which page you start, you can start in the middle & work your way back or forward.  Just open it up & any page you read, it is something that speaks to you.  I would highly recommend this book to anyone.  It speaks to all people of all nations, race, creed or color.  You will not be sorry you picked it up.  It is something you can read any time and many times again & again:*)”

I believe that when people read this book, it will help them to understand the enthusiasm of students of the New Message from God (like me).  I believe it will give people another avenue of engagement with the New Message from God, without having to make a large commitment of time, energy and trust.  I believe this book will provide evidence to corroborate the claim I have made about the internal consistency of the New Message from God.  I will write my own review in the near future.


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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.