What Is This Knowledge Like?

What is this Knowledge like?

The New Message uses the word Knowledge in an unconventional sense. It is something much more powerful than information. It is fearless and determined for me to fulfill my purpose, my mission for coming to the world. I can ignore it, I can hide from it, I can bury myself in hobbies, but I can’t extinguish it. But what if I seek it? What if I take the Steps to Knowledge? What if I prepare by practicing awareness, discernment, attentiveness and discretion?

What is this Knowledge like?

There is a certain experience that I feel if I’m not supposed to do something, even if it seems like a good thing at the time. Steps to Knowledge describes it this way:

“Only concern that your Knowledge is being violated will emanate from Knowledge, and then only to indicate that you need to reassess your actions and ideas. Knowledge has a
self-correcting principle. That is why it is your Inner Guidance. If you are going against your Knowledge, you will be ill at ease with yourself, and this will give rise to anxiety. Much of the fear that you experience moment to moment is simply a matter of your own creation, your own negative imagination. But, then, there is fear that is born of the violation of Knowledge. This is more a discomfort than a fear, for it rarely carries with it any kind of imagery at all, though ideas can come into your mind as a form of warning should you be attempting a behavior or a line of thinking that is dangerous or destructive.” (Volume 3, Steps to Knowledge, Step 128, “My Teachers are with me. I need not fear.”)

So sometimes I feel restraint. And if I follow that restraint, the inner ickyness goes away. But other times I feel a prompt. A feeling that something must be done. Not only that, but that something must be done by me. Furthermore, a feeling that something must be done by me by a certain time. It may not be on my personal radar at all. The New Message calls this “the fire of Knowledge.” And in the same way, if I respond to the burning of the fire of Knowledge within me, there is a certain satisfaction, a feeling that when the time comes again, I will respond.

“You cannot be comfortable with comfort alone. You cannot be self-assured with all the trappings of security. You cannot be satisfied with little things because the Fire is there. It is mysterious. You cannot conceptualize it. You cannot use it for your own intentions. You cannot use it to gain wealth or privilege or to win over others. The Fire has its own purpose. It has greater plans for your life.” (Volume 1, The Power of Knowledge, The Spiritual Fire, Verse 6)

But how does one distinguish these prompts and restraints from all the other thoughts? Sometime I doubt. Sometimes I am uncertain. Fortunately, there are certain “signatures.” I experience Knowledge as being relatively terse. “Do this.” “Don’t do that.” “Go here.” “Don’t go there.” “Acquire this.” “Get rid of that.” I consider Knowledge to not talk about the why and the how of something. My mind was made to serve Knowledge, to figure out how to fulfill the prompts of Knowledge. Knowledge lasts much longer than an emotion. One way to distinguish is to internally say “I am absolutely going to do thus-and-such, no matter what” and see what sort of feeling that inner resolve produces. There is usually an inner happiness or an inner discomfort.

Does a restraint or a prompt come every day? It does not. What do I do in the meantime. Practice and prepare. Strengthen my position. Build and balance the Four Pillars of health, relationships, work / providership and spiritual development. I practice to grow strong and competent.

I pray that the power of Knowledge may move through me, and through others, and not be discounted in the face of danger, doubt, uncertainty, difficulty or despair.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

How Should We Then Pray?

How should we then pray?

Many religions offer prayers of one form or another. Many religions offer guidelines as to how to pray. The New Message is no exception. One error that the New Message rebukes is the idea of praying for every preference.

How should we then pray?

“They want God to provide so many things for them without asking anything in return. They do not want their lives to be directed or impacted or restrained. But they want God to do so many things for them, as if God were a kind of servant, an errand boy [emphasis mine] for the shifting desires of the individual.” (Volume 4, The New God Experience, Experiencing God, Verse 2)

How should we then pray? Many religions direct their students to pray to the Lord of the universe, the Creator of all life. But if God is the Creator of a billion billion billion races and more, don’t my prayers have to “go through channels?” Is God micromanaging my life? The New Message says “No.”

“God is not micromanaging your affairs, and changing the climate, and bringing about catastrophe and good fortune. This is something that is just living in the process of life—a process that was initiated at the beginning of time. In this, there is no conflict or contradiction between Creation and the evolutionary process.” (Volume 1, The Time of Revelation, God’s Plan for the World, Verse 8)

How should we then pray? I never pray for individuals or events on other worlds. But what about individuals and events in this world? Should I strengthen particular outcomes? Oscar Wilde observed that when the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers. Maybe I should limit my prayers to giving strength of character and strength of faculty of mind. Such a prayer will never be punished.

“You will have a special practice two times today where you are to think of someone in need and then give them a quality that you wish to receive yourself. Send that individual that quality. Send them love or strength or faith or encouragement or determination or surrender or acceptance or self-discipline—whatever they need to bring about resolution in their lives.” (Volume 3, Steps to Knowledge, Step 121 “Today I am free to give.”, Verse 2)

How should we then pray? I pray that my prayers may be launched and guided by Knowledge, the deeper spiritual intelligence that God has placed in every person. I pray that my prayers my be of noble intent. And to the extent that they are, I pray that they are prayed and shared by other people. I pray that they become part of the culture around me, and part of the culture beyond my awareness.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

What Shall I Write In The Next Ten Years?

What shall I write in the next ten years

October 17, 2012 is not a particularly historic date. There was the usual fervor over the upcoming American presidential election. There was some hysteria about the Mayan calendar coming to a stopping point on December 21. But something important to me happened on that date. I wrote a blog post on my journey to Boulder, Colorado, to attend the 2012 Encampment of the New Message from God.

What shall I write in the next ten years?

What shall I write in the next ten years

What have I written in the past 10 years? I have written 492 posts (including this one). Alisa joined in 2013 and wrote 293 posts in both Russian and English between 2013 and 2018. I wrote a series of blog posts about Steps 1 through 95, of the 365 steps of Steps to Knowledge. Steps to Knowledge is the book of spiritual practice of the New Message from God. I didn’t go further because I didn’t have a succinct way of explaining “what is in this step will only make sense if you have practiced all the previous steps.” But I would like to think that I have written something that describes part of the Steps to Knowledge experience.

Our worldwide community is taking a journey

I have written a number of posts about the progress of the Worldwide Community of the New Message from God. This includes posts about the annual Messenger’s Vigil, the annual Steps Vigil, and the Encampments. The New Message is being organized, translated, published and disseminated into the languages of the world. I consider the devotion and determination demonstrated by my colleagues to be remarkable.

Pile of Bison skulls 1870. An increasingly difficult world

Humanity faces difficult times ahead

Part of this devotion and determination comes from the recognition that humanity faces challenges to its survival and freedom. Humanity faces an increasingly difficult world, a world created by its own choices. A world of declining resources, affected climate, a degraded environment, and extraterrestrial intervention.

So what are the statistics? 166,607 page views, from 113,916 sessions (visits), from 95,262 users, from 10,935 cities in 204 countries/regions. Sometimes an inner voice tells me it’s not enough. I tell it that it’s more than what would have happened had I done nothing.

What shall I write in the next ten years? I consider it presumptuous to declare what I will write about in the next ten years. Nothing is guaranteed. But it might be some things about building a practical spirituality for a crashing world. It might be some things about mitigating the Great Waves of Change coming to our world. I might write about some of the thousand solutions the human family needs for its survival and freedom. And most assuredly, there will be poetry, from poets of every nation and era. I offer this poem by J. R. R. Tolkien for company:

The Road goes ever on and on,
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.

* * *

Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

How Dare You Say Something Anti-Evolutionary!

How dare you say something anti-evolutionary
Earthsight as seen from Apollo 8, December 1968

In the normal course of events, people might say “My ethnicity is this.” Or, “Your nationality is that.” Possibly even “That person’s religion is the other.” A while back, I wrote about how Indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) characterized all such statements as violence.

How dare you say something anti-evolutionary

I make no expectation upon anyone to believe anything just because Jiddu Krishnamurti says it. I do encourage everyone to weigh it in their own experience and feel how it feels. But there might be some people who reject these ideas. Therefore, I would like to offer them from a different angle, a different world view.

R. Buckminster Fuller in 1979 with a tension-integrity sphere

R. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) was many things in his life. An architect, a designer, a futurist. One book he is well-known for is Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, published in 1969. As far as I can tell, this book has never gone out of print. I share this brief excerpt with you.

This “sovereign” — meaning top – weapons enforced “national” claim upon humans born in various lands leads to ever more severely specialized servitude and highly personalized identity classification. As a consequence of the slavish “categoryitis” the scientifically illogical, and as we shall see, often meaningless questions “Where do you live?” “What are you?” “What religion?” “What race?” ’”What nationality?” are all thought of today as logical questions. By the twenty-first century it either will have become evident to humanity that these questions are absurd and anti-evolutionary or men will no longer be living on Earth.

I prefer the word “ethnicity” to “race,” but that was the commonly used word in 1969. Krishnamurti called identification with ethnicity, nationality or religion “violent.” Buckminster Fuller leveled an even stronger criticism, calling such identification “anti-evolutionary.” How dare you say something anti-evolutionary! But people do it every day, alas.

I believe some of you are reading this and thinking “I say, Douglas, that’s a pretty harsh criticism.” What would you have us say and think instead? Glad you asked, friend, glad you asked! Buckminster Fuller would encourage you to say, believe, act and demonstrate the words

“I am a crew member of Spaceship Earth.”

Perhaps this alternate formulation would help.

“I am a citizen of Planet Earth. I claim certain rights and accept certain responsibilities for the survival and freedom of the human family.”

I realize some people may call this unpatriotic. But the New Message from God tells us we are entering a time when no ethnicity will succeed at the expense of another. Likewise for nations and religions. The New Message from God calls us citizens of the Greater Community of Worlds. We are clearly citizens of Planet Earth. I am a citizen of the city of St. Paul. My citizenship in the state of Minnesota does not invalidate this. I am a citizen of the United States of America. This does not override my citizenship in Minnesota. My citizenship in the Greater Community of Worlds does not nullify my citizenship of Planet Earth.

Step 187 of Steps to Knowledge

Will there be enough crew members of Spaceship Earth in time? Can we evolve our thinking enough in time? We will find out shortly.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

You Are Not A Frail And Fragile People

You are not a frail and fragile people

This is the thirteenth post in a series of posts on the revelation “The Great Turning Point for Humanity.” This revelation is a small part of the New Message from God. The first post is here. The previous post is here.

What have we seen before? Humanity has responded to great challenges in the past. There is a great, untapped power within people. It is important for nations to focus on world security as well as national security.

You are not a frail and fragile people

The following is the 79th paragraph of this teaching. I will add my experience of each paragraph in brackets. These are the final paragraphs of this revelation.

So what We are speaking of here today is known to you. It is in your cultures. It is in your history. It is in your blood.

[ I believe they are referring specifically to the previous paragraph. But the entire teaching is giving the details of the great difficulties humanity will face.]

You are not a frail and fragile people, but you have become weak in your luxury and self-indulgence; you have become distracted and confused seeking personal wishes and ambitions.

[ “You” in this case means “humanity.” What if you were asked what you did with your life? Would you like to be able to say “I helped secure human survival and freedom?”]

The great times are upon you, and you must respond. This is a gift of unparalleled value, if you can respond. It will do everything for you that you could not do for yourself. It will do everything for the world that must be done, if enough people can respond.

[ Now they switch to you as an individual. You may not think you are much in the greater scheme of things. But if you can respond to this, it would be a great contribution to the world. If enough people can respond, humanity can succeed, securing its survival and freedom.]

Heaven waits and watches to see who can respond. There is no condemnation here. There is only encouragement. But there is great sobriety over what is occurring, great need and great urgency.

[ What if not enough people respond? This was said in an earlier paragraph: “If humanity cannot respond sufficiently, if enough people cannot respond, then the human family will fall prey to domination by other forces, who are already planting the seeds of dissension amongst you and even within you, within certain people.” I confess that when I heard the words “great sobriety,” I thought to myself “Even the angels are nervous about our prospects.”]

Great change is upon you. It is time to prepare. The preparation is here, it is given, through the Grace of God and through all of God’s Angels and advocates and true servants in the world.

Norway’s Magnus Carlsen, currently the top ranked chess player in the world, right, makes a move as he plays against India’s former World Champion Vishwanathan Anand at the FIDE World Chess Championship Match in Sochi, Russia, Sunday, Nov. 9, 2014. (AP Photo/Artur Lebedev)

[ You are not a frail and fragile people. But we face great difficulties. You have great, untapped power within you. You can express it if you take the preparation, the Steps to Knowledge. ]

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

One Nation Won’t Succeed If Others Fail

One nation won't succeed if others fail
A motorist watches from a pullout on the Trans-Canada Highway as a wildfire burns on the side of a mountain in Lytton, B.C., Thursday, July 1, 2021. (Darryl Dyck/The Canadian Press via AP)

This is the tenth post in a series of posts on the revelation “The Great Turning Point for Humanity.” This revelation is a small part of the New Message from God. The first post is here. The previous post is here.

What have we seen so far? Humanity’s enemies consider humanity to be weak, divided and pathetic. And yet, it is not impossible for humanity to unite and become a strong race. But it requires people to recognize the gravity of the situation.

One nation won’t succeed if others fail

The following is the 60th paragraph of this teaching. I will add my experience of each paragraph in brackets.

You stand at the next decade—a decade of tumultuous change, a decade of evolution, evolutionary change, not just personal change, not just political change—evolutionary change. [It will] change the outcome for everyone. Succeed or fail, [this is a] pivotal time in human history, perhaps the most ever.

[This revelation was received on December 31, 2019, the eve of a new decade. The words in brackets have been added by Marshall Vian Summers for clarification. While many people recognize the changes in the world, not many people recognize the evolutionary change. Can you think of the importance of your presence in the world?]

One nation will not succeed if other nations fail. You will have to unite in some kind of functional form to begin to tackle the great problems that you are facing now. Fail to do this, and the hour will become too late and calamity will grow.

[China won’t succeed if America fails. America won’t succeed if India fails. Your nation won’t succeed if their nation fails. Where will the refugees go when a nation fails? Who will provide for them?]

We will not tell you what this will look like because you do not yet have the strength to hear it. But what We offer you is the way out of this greater dilemma, not because someone is going to come and rescue you, not because some foreign power is going to come and rescue you—the foreign power is your problem, not your solution—not because some great saint or sage is going to come and lead humanity out of its great predicament. It is a Calling for people all around the world to respond.

[This teaching has already rebuked those who look to extraterrestrials for humanity’s deliverance. There are people who sincerely believe in the coming of some extraordinary figure. The Savior, the Maitreya, The Imam. But what if they don’t come? What then?American band The Eagles wrote in the song “The Last Resort,”

Who will provide the grand design?
What is yours and what is mine?
‘Cause there is no more new frontier
We have got to make it here.

Humanity needs a lot of everyday people to respond and prepare. The word Calling has been capitalized by Marshall Vian Summers.]

Be you of any religion, any nation, any culture, any station in life, be you man or woman, child or adolescent, this is a Calling to go far and wide. Who will take it far and wide? Who will honor the Messenger who has been sent into the world from the Angelic Assembly to bring it here at this great pivotal turning point?

[Do I dare to say “I will?” This message is a small part of the New Message from God. There is a New Message from God in the world. It has come from the Creator of all life. Marshall Vian Summers is its Messenger. This blog post is part of my effort to take this Calling far and wide.]

This is a confrontation with reality We are giving you here today. Argue with it. Deny it. Pretend it is not so, and you will fail.

[“You” means “humanity.” “fail” means “become extinct or enslaved and exploited by foreign powers.”]

So who amongst you will succeed? Who amongst you will respond? Who amongst you will take a path of preparation not of your own making to face a world beyond your comprehension and beyond what you are used to?

[Do I dare to say “I will?” The path of preparation they offer is Steps to Knowledge. I freely admit that I wasn’t thinking of a moment like this when I started practicing Steps to Knowledge. But anyone who practices Steps to Knowledge will be led into a life of necessity and away from a life of casual choices.]

This next decade will be very decisive. It will not be completely decisive, but it will be very decisive. If you continue in your current ways, with little change in direction, then the consequences upon the peoples of this world will be far greater than they are today, so great that even nations will not be able to handle the difficulties of their own populations, even in the rich countries.

[ One nation won’t succeed if others fail. Not enough people are responding and preparing. Will you?]

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

With Gratitude And High Expectation

With gratitude and high expectation

It is the season for the worldwide community of the New Message from God to observe the Steps Vigil. This is a 20-day period (May 26-June 14). In this period in 1989, Marshall Vian Summers received the book Steps to Knowledge. This took place in Albany, New York without any public attention. There are many posts in this space regarding the annual Steps Vigil, here, here and here.

With gratitude and high expectation

Many books have dedications where the author chooses to honor a particular person. Some book dedications are literature in and of themselves. Steps to Knowledge has a dedication as well. I have never gotten around to sharing it, but today seems like a good time.


“This method is given to
all students of Knowledge in the world
with gratitude and high expectation
from your Spiritual Family.
Follow the instructions as they are given.
In this way, the power and efficacy of this work
will be revealed to you and, therefore,
Our gift to you will have been given.
It is with great excitement
that We bestow this upon you
and through you upon your world.”

Who are the students of Knowledge in the world? Like gold, they are where you find them. There are students of Steps to Knowledge in many countries, speaking many languages. We are following an invisible light. And yet, we are also choosing to take each step.

Who is my Spiritual Family? Steps to Knowledge speaks of it in a number of the 365 steps. Relationships I have reclaimed over a long time. A group of learners. Those who gave me a mission in the world.

Steps to Knowledge stresses the importance of following the steps as they are given in multiple steps. Sometimes I have looked at the directions and wondered, “I can do that? I must be able to if they are telling me to.”

With gratitude and high expectation. I feel the emotions expressed in this dedication. For me, it is as if it is known that Steps to Knowledge would make people more able to serve an emerging world.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Mysterious But Eminently Practical

Mysterious but eminently practical

This is another in a series of posts containing my Amazon reviews of the books of the New Message from God. The books I have reviewed so far are:

The Great Waves of Change (Volume 5, Book 3)
Steps to Knowledge (Volume 3, Book 1)
Life in the Universe (Volume 5, Book 2)
God Has Spoken Again (Volume 1, Book 1)
The One God (Volume 1, Book 2)
The New Messenger (Volume 1, Book 3)

This is a review of the the book Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book One. It is now Volume 6, Book 1 of the New Message from God. I am adding commentary in brackets.

Mysterious but eminently practical

Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book One is the first book to be published of the teachings of Marshall Vian Summers. It is the first book of what would only much later come to be known as the New Message from God. In the late 1980’s, Marshall Summers traveled around the United States, channeling teachings with small groups of curious individuals. The enthusiasm of the response led to the publication of this book in the early 1990’s. It is as if the source of these teachings “wished” to establish a certain credibility, by addressing important aspects of the human experience.

[In the time period that these teachings emerged, one thing they were called is “The Greater Community Way of Knowledge.” The name “New Message from God” did not emerge until the mid 00’s. It is documented where each teaching emerged.]

There are 35 chapters in this book. None of them are particularly long. They don’t have to be read in chapter order to gain the benefit. This book takes something of an oblique approach, in that it speaks of the necessary aspects of some seemingly mysterious things, such as humanity’s emergence into a “Greater Community” of intelligent life. It addresses important subjects, but there is a connection with relatively unknown subjects, most notably the development of “Knowledge” in the individual. All of the chapters in this book were received before the book “Steps to Knowledge” in May-June 1989. These chapters could therefore be thought of as how Knowledge, the deeper spiritual intelligence that God has placed in every individual in every world, could be applied to the human experience. The reader has a good chance of reading things they have never read before. Therefore, it is important to approach this book with an open mind and heart, so that it can reveal its wisdom.

[Here are the chapters in this book

Chapter 1: The Greater Religion
Chapter 2: Relationships and Sexuality
Chapter 3: Greater Community
Chapter 4: Trust
Chapter 5: Marriage
Chapter 6: Health
Chapter 7: Freedom
Chapter 8: Preparing for the Future
Chapter 9: Spiritual Truths
Chapter 10: Service in the World
Chapter 11: Power and Responsibility
Chapter 12: Love
Chapter 13: Spiritual Community
Chapter 14: World Evolution
Chapter 15: Giving I
Chapter 16: Giving II
Chapter 17: Mastery
Chapter 18: Higher Education
Chapter 19: Fulfillment
Chapter 20: Inner Listening
Chapter 21: Enduring Happiness
Chapter 22: Escaping Suffering
Chapter 23: Forgiveness
Chapter 24: Happiness in the World
Chapter 25: Escaping Fear
Chapter 26: Stillness
Chapter 27: Disappointment
Chapter 28: Using Power for Good
Chapter 29: Faith and Fear
Chapter 30: Perception
Chapter 31: Healing
Chapter 32: Achievement
Chapter 33: Provoking Change
Chapter 34: Religion as Education
Chapter 35: Achieving Peace]

One minor technical note is that when the book was first published, it was called “Wisdom from the Greater Community, Volume 1.” In later publications, it will be known as “Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 1” This is because this book is Book 1 of Volume 6 of the New Message from God, and it was awkward to use the word volume to refer to a book in a volume with multiple books.

[Mysterious but eminently practical. If you wished to investigate the New Message from God to see if it is something for you to follow, this would be an excellent book to read.]

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

We Need Your Determination And Adaptability

We need your determination and adaptability

This is the second post in a series of posts about the revelation “The Great Turning Point for Humanity.” This is a small part of the New Message from God. The first post is here.

UPDATE 04/24/2021: The next post is here.

What have we seen so far? Humanity is on the brink of great change. We stand on the threshold of space. We face intervention from space. We face the consequences of our resource consumption and environmental destruction. But God has spoken again to prepare humanity for these great challenges.

We need your determination and adaptability

The following is the sixth paragraph of this teaching. I will add my experience of each paragraph in brackets.

This next decade will be a great turning point for humanity, as this great environmental change begins to alter the face of the world, as humanity faces a growing presence in the world from those beyond who would seek to use this world for their own purposes. They are not here to destroy you but to use you, seeing you as part of the resource of the world.

[More detail will be given about the forthcoming great environmental change. The word “Intervention” mentioned earlier could be thought of as “a growing presence…for their own purposes.” There are those who consider technically advanced races to be spiritually advanced as well. But how do they know this? I consider the word “use” to mean “enslave and exploit,” in the same way we treat agricultural animals.]

Feeling this great turning point, some people will think it is the end—it is the end of humanity, it is the end of time, or it is the end of human civilization. And some people think it is a glorious beginning, a great new age for humanity of enlightenment and unity, of spirituality.

[It could be the end of humanity. It might be the end of human freedom. Will humanity respond to the warnings and prepare? Compared to all of time, human existence is a blink. And yet, there are those who ascribe cosmic consequences to human events. The people who think the great turning point is a glorious beginning are going to experience a lot of trouble.]

But who can face the reality with the courage and the power of Knowledge that God has placed within each person? Yet this Knowledge is unknown in the world, except by a few.

[We need you to find the deeper spiritual intelligence that God has placed within you. We call it Knowledge. When it is followed, disaster is averted. We have a path of practice to reach it called Steps to Knowledge. It has been in the world since 1989. It is true that Knowledge is unknown in the world, except by a few. This is an effort to remedy that.]

So they [people] fail to respond. They fail to prepare. They fail to recognize the growing signs of the world. They remain either oppressed in their nations where there is poverty or religious or political oppression, or they remain subsumed in their own personal preoccupations and desires and difficulties, heedless, unaware that their lives are about to change beyond their reckoning.

[I can imagine some people reading this and thinking, “It won’t be as bad for my nation as it will be for that other nation.” But any nation that doesn’t respond and prepare will face great difficulty. Nature is merciless to the unprepared.]

There are those who feel this great change, but are too afraid to face it. So they turn away, or they try to give it meaning and understanding, trying to incorporate it into their desires and their understanding of the world, when in fact the great change is something far beyond their capabilities in this regard.

[Why are they too afraid to face it? Because they identify with their body and mind, their individuality, instead of Knowledge. They ask “What can one person do?” But a person of Knowledge can do something.]

Many people pray for peace and equanimity at this time. Some even seek for what they call enlightenment, but this is not preparation for what is coming. What is coming is a great challenge, an ordeal, a difficult road ahead.

[We don’t need your enlightenment. We need your determination and adaptability. Your determination to rise to the occasion. Humanity needs your strong contribution to get through the ordeal.]

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

What Lies Ten Years Further Down This Road?

What lies ten years further down this road?
Trollstigen in Norway

When I started studying Steps to Knowledge in 2010, I didn’t think I would still be engaged with it ten years later. In fact, I didn’t think about what would be happening ten years later at all. I thought I might be insufficiently amused, and move on to something else. I was afraid I might be found incompetent as a student. Other unhappy thoughts assailed me along the way. But through some beautiful combination of inspiration, determination and relationship, I have continued to mine the riches of the New Message from God.

What lies ten years further down this road?

Around the time of my birthday in August of 2020, I had a feeling. I felt I should think the past ten years of engagement with the New Message from God, and weigh it in the balance of my experience. I declare that the New Message from God and I have been good to each other over the past ten years. I am happy to have gotten through the past ten years without creating a calamity or a disaster. I believe I’m much kinder and gentler to myself than I was ten years ago. I correct my errors and manage my weaknesses, but with a greater compassion. I find things to do, and they find me. To me, that is worth the world.

https://mysteryofascension.com/the-work-is-progressing-the-people-are-working/What lies ten years further down the road? I believe I have made a little progress in the Greater Community Way of Knowledge. I seem to need this journey to assist me in attempting to become a nobler and stronger person. I would like to think I have a sporting chance of giving my gifts to a troubled, yet promising world. Some things have been accomplished. So much lies beyond me. What lies beyond seems improbable or inconceivable in my current frame of reference. But I can prepare for it. Abraham Lincoln said “I will study and prepare myself, and someday my chance will come.” I will do likewise.

Where will we be in ten years? Rejoicing over the New Message being available in the languages of the world. Rejoicing over the good soil into which the seed of revelation has been sown. Rejoicing over those upon whom the rays of initiation have been shown. Rejoicing over the miracles in the world that have come from the presence of Knowledge, the efforts that have been made to mitigate the Great Waves of Change. Will I be able to say “Now, Lord, let your servant depart in peace,” like Simeon in the Gospels? I don’t know. But I’m ready to work on this impossible work. One day it will be merely difficult. One day it will be done.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.