There is a word that the New Message uses frequently, and that word is “reckoning.” There are three pages of search results for this word at the New Message website. Here are a few of them.
“Now that there is a world community of great interdependence and great fragility and great vulnerability, both to internal collapse and to external competition and intervention, it is time for humanity to grow up. It is time for a change of heart, for people of all nations—a reckoning of the reality of the situation, a comprehension of the Great Waves of change and their power to affect and undermine a stable world.” (Volume 1, God Has Spoken Again, God Has Spoken Again, Verse 21)
“This is the calling that comes from deep within you, not merely something that the mind wants for the moment, not for relief from suffering only, not just to have a nicer life or a prettier set of circumstances or to fulfill your ambitions and desires. This comes from the deeper place within you, from Knowledge within you. This is what speaks to the Angelic Assembly. This is the result of a deeper experience of yourself, a deeper reckoning within yourself, a deeper honesty.” (The Great Rays of Initiation, Verse 8)
“If you are clear, if you are honest, you can see what is required. So what will it take for this awareness to become shared and certain, overriding people’s preferences, their religious beliefs, the supremacy of their national interests? How much suffering and destruction must take place before there is an honest reckoning of what is really required?” (Volume 1, The New World, The Plight of Humanity, Verse 28)
There must be a reckoning
Sometimes it is used in the context of an individual. Other times it is used in the context of the human family. There are two important connotations of this word. Here are Noah Webster’s definitions, from the 1828 Dictionary.
3. A statement of accounts with another; a statement and comparison of accounts mutually for adjustment; as in the proverb, ‘short reckonings make long friends.’
The way to make reckonings even, is to make them often.
7. In navigation, an account of the ship’s course and distance calculated from the log-board without the aid of celestial observation. This account from the log-board, is called the dead reckoning
Both connotations speak of an assessment of one’s situation, either financial or nautical. I consider the human family to have a great asset of which it is generally unaware. That great asset is the New Message, a new revelation. I also consider the human family to face great challenges in the future, an increasingly difficult world. I believe the New Message will ignite the nobility and strength required in many individuals to face this world in the days to come.
There must be a reckoning. I pray that this time before us may be a time of reckoning, a time to realize that we are living in a time of revelation, and that the world is moving. The Great Waves of Change are moving the world, even as you read these words. It is not merely a future possibility. It is a current reality.
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