People from all walks of life, many nations and faith traditions, have reported seeing unknown craft in our skies. The first instance I know of was in 1947 in Washington State in the USA. Since then there have been countless sightings, most notably the sightings by Navy pilots reported in the New York Times in 2019. The most recent news item in this area is the testimony of former US intelligence official David Grusch. Reports keep appearing in the news, and people keep ignoring them. What is obvious escapes the attention of nearly everyone, and what is imaginary seems to be highly agreed upon,
Why can’t you see this for what it is?
People from many walks of life, many nations and faith traditions, have reported being taken by aliens against their will. There are people who have deeply investigated this phenomenon. The American artist Budd Hopkins (1931-2001) heard the testimony of many abductees over a 30-year period. He documented this in the book Missing Time. American psychiatrist John Mack (1929-2004) observed “experiencers” and their testimonies in the book Abduction. American historian David Jacobs recently wrote a book the book “Walking Among Us.” I have reviewed this book here.
Don’t expect disclosure anytime soon
Again, why can’t you see this for what it is? Part of it is the activities of the governments of the world. For the past 75 years, governments have spread disinformation and discredited various observers. The governments of the world most likely continue what they have been doing for the past 75 years.
Why can’t you see this for what it is? The New Message from God offers an answer for this in the revelation “Preparing for the Greater Community.“
“There is a reason that people cannot speak of these things in public because it has been discouraged in the social discourse. That foreign craft are flying in your skies is an undeniable reality, and yet people do not want to think of it. And if they do think of it, they want to think of it in a positive way—that something wonderful is happening, that you have visitors, and they are here to help you and to guide you and to prepare you to meet the difficult challenges emerging in the world today.”
I consider “discouraged in the social discourse” to be a polite way of saying something. There is an effort to portray those observing craft or reporting abduction as evil and/or insane. That they are sad, pitiful attention seekers, or people with some kind of psychosis.
Why can’t you see this for what it is? It may be beyond the intellectual or emotional capacity of some people. They just cannot entertain these things. They are too big, too challenging or too different, and so they are just rejected out of hand.
All I know is that day by day the evidence grows. The New Message from God teaches what is currently a minority viewpoint on the subject of extraterrestrials.
1) Intelligent extraterrestrial life exists
2) Extraterrestrials are intervening in human affairs today
3) This extraterrestrial intervention is a threat to human freedom
I realize some people consider this not only false, but impossible. But many things once thought to be impossible have turned out to be so. Why can’t you see this for what it is?
Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.