What Is This Knowledge Like?

What is this Knowledge like?

The New Message uses the word Knowledge in an unconventional sense. It is something much more powerful than information. It is fearless and determined for me to fulfill my purpose, my mission for coming to the world. I can ignore it, I can hide from it, I can bury myself in hobbies, but I can’t extinguish it. But what if I seek it? What if I take the Steps to Knowledge? What if I prepare by practicing awareness, discernment, attentiveness and discretion?

What is this Knowledge like?

There is a certain experience that I feel if I’m not supposed to do something, even if it seems like a good thing at the time. Steps to Knowledge describes it this way:

“Only concern that your Knowledge is being violated will emanate from Knowledge, and then only to indicate that you need to reassess your actions and ideas. Knowledge has a
self-correcting principle. That is why it is your Inner Guidance. If you are going against your Knowledge, you will be ill at ease with yourself, and this will give rise to anxiety. Much of the fear that you experience moment to moment is simply a matter of your own creation, your own negative imagination. But, then, there is fear that is born of the violation of Knowledge. This is more a discomfort than a fear, for it rarely carries with it any kind of imagery at all, though ideas can come into your mind as a form of warning should you be attempting a behavior or a line of thinking that is dangerous or destructive.” (Volume 3, Steps to Knowledge, Step 128, “My Teachers are with me. I need not fear.”)

So sometimes I feel restraint. And if I follow that restraint, the inner ickyness goes away. But other times I feel a prompt. A feeling that something must be done. Not only that, but that something must be done by me. Furthermore, a feeling that something must be done by me by a certain time. It may not be on my personal radar at all. The New Message calls this “the fire of Knowledge.” And in the same way, if I respond to the burning of the fire of Knowledge within me, there is a certain satisfaction, a feeling that when the time comes again, I will respond.

“You cannot be comfortable with comfort alone. You cannot be self-assured with all the trappings of security. You cannot be satisfied with little things because the Fire is there. It is mysterious. You cannot conceptualize it. You cannot use it for your own intentions. You cannot use it to gain wealth or privilege or to win over others. The Fire has its own purpose. It has greater plans for your life.” (Volume 1, The Power of Knowledge, The Spiritual Fire, Verse 6)

But how does one distinguish these prompts and restraints from all the other thoughts? Sometime I doubt. Sometimes I am uncertain. Fortunately, there are certain “signatures.” I experience Knowledge as being relatively terse. “Do this.” “Don’t do that.” “Go here.” “Don’t go there.” “Acquire this.” “Get rid of that.” I consider Knowledge to not talk about the why and the how of something. My mind was made to serve Knowledge, to figure out how to fulfill the prompts of Knowledge. Knowledge lasts much longer than an emotion. One way to distinguish is to internally say “I am absolutely going to do thus-and-such, no matter what” and see what sort of feeling that inner resolve produces. There is usually an inner happiness or an inner discomfort.

Does a restraint or a prompt come every day? It does not. What do I do in the meantime. Practice and prepare. Strengthen my position. Build and balance the Four Pillars of health, relationships, work / providership and spiritual development. I practice to grow strong and competent.

I pray that the power of Knowledge may move through me, and through others, and not be discounted in the face of danger, doubt, uncertainty, difficulty or despair.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

A Sacred Day In The History Of The Future

A sacred day in the history of the future
Opening words of the revelation “The Proclamation,” Chapter 1 of the book “God Has Spoken Again”

In 2015, I wrote about how the various teachings of the New Message from God would be organized into volumes, books, chapters and verses. Since that time, the Society for the New Message from God has released the following books:

A number of other books are mentioned as forthcoming. The Society for the New Message from God has made significant progress in a great task. The task of having a complete written version of the New Message from God in the lifetime of Marshall Vian Summers.

A sacred day in the history of the future

Some of you might be thinking, “If Marshall Vian Summers could arrange these teachings, he would put the important ones in a prominent position.” The first book of Volume 1 of the New Message from God is “God Has Spoken Again.” The first chapter of this book is “The Proclamation.” And the opening words of The Proclamation are “There is a New Message from God in the world. It has come from the Creator of all life.” I hope and believe and pray and work that these words will be said many times. Said by growing numbers of people from many nations and faith traditions.

But why do I write about a sacred day? July 7 is an ordinary day in my world. But someone brought it to my attention that Marshall Vian Summers received The Proclamation on July 7, 2006. Therefore The Proclamation has been in the world for slightly over 16 years. The Society for the New Message from God made The Proclamation available to the public on October 19, 2011. But I have a thought that a hundred years from now, students of the New Message will look upon July 7, 2006. They might recognize it as a day when the direction of the world changed. Thus it would be a sacred day in the history of the future.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

The Messenger Is In The World

The Messenger is in the world
Penn’s Treaty with the Indians by Benjamin West, with the opening sentences from “The Will of Heaven,” Chapter 1 of “The New Messenger”

In October of 2016, I mentioned the publication of the book “The New Messenger,” a book of the New Message from God. I didn’t share too much of it at the time. This is another post in a series of Amazon reviews of the books of the New Message from God. I am adding additional material [in brackets]. I realize I hold a minority opinion, but I dare to declare that the Messenger is in the world.

The Messenger is in the world.

The Messenger is in the world
The opening sentence of the revelation “The Lineage of the Messenger,” Chapter 3 of the book “The New Messenger”

Marshall Vian Summers has been receiving material from 1983 to the present. This book is a collection of 13 revelations received between 2009 and 2014. Most of them were received in Colorado. One was received in Damascus, Syria, and one was received in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The Messenger is in the world
The opening sentence of the revelation “The Story of the Messenger,” Chapter 4 of the book “The New Messenger”

[The New Messenger is Book 3 of Volume 1 of the New Message from God. There are currently six published books in Volume 1. Those books are God Has Spoken AgainThe One GodThe New MessengerThe Greater CommunityThe Power of Knowledge and The Journey To A New LifeThe New World and The Pure Religion are forthcoming books in Volume 1. I have written about God Has Spoken Again here. I have written about The One God here.]

The opening sentence of the revelation “The Requirements of the Messenger,” Chapter 5 in the book “The New Messenger”

This book paints a picture of God working in human history through sending Messages (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and what is now known as the New Message from God). These Messages are not merely bodies of information, but a new reality. A Message from God doesn’t arrive like a letter in the mail. A Messenger (Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Marshall Vian Summers) is selected to come into the world from the Angelic Assembly. For a certain amount of time, these Messengers seem like relatively ordinary people. But a certain unseen preparation is taking place.

The opening sentence of “The Veil of the Messenger,” Chapter 6 of the book “The New Messenger”

[The chapter “The Veil of the Messenger” speaks of the seemingly ordinary appearance of a Messenger. The chapter “The Requirements of the Messenger” speaks of the preparation given to Marshall Vian Summers in his childhood and early adult life.]

The opening sentence of the revelation “Facing the Light of Revelation,” Chapter 8 in the book “The New Messenger”

Then a moment of initiation takes place, and a new life begins. These Messengers have the task of receiving, demonstrating and proclaiming their Messages. Some people respond with rejection and ridicule, for various reasons. Others respond with interest and resonance. Eventually the Messenger leaves the world, and God waits until the next time a Message must be sent.

The opening sentence of the revelation “The Journey of the Messenger,” Chapter 9 of the book “The New Messenger”

What does this Messenger bring to you? A Message teaching to how to navigate difficult times ahead. A Message teaching how to serve a troubled, reckless, adolescent, destructive world. A Message teaching that humanity faces its greatest trial, and its greatest opportunity. A Message proclaiming purpose, meaning and direction for the individual. A Message speaking of humanity’s preparation for a future in a greater community of intelligent life. This Messenger brings his demonstration of his Message. He offers no miracles or dispensations besides his Message.

The opening sentence of the revelation “The Consequence of Revelation,” Chapter 11 of the book “The New Messenger”

What does this Messenger ask of you? He asks for your recognition and engagement with his Message. It is a large body of material. He asks for your recognition of him as the Messenger. He asks you not to ascribe miraculous powers to him. While he is in the world, he asks for your engagement with him, as part of his Message is his demonstration. He asks for you to hear and respond to his proclamation of his Message. He asks you to benefit from the wisdom he has to share.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

What Kind Of God Are We Talking About?

What kind of God are we talking about?
The first sentence of “Comprehending God,” Chapter 1 in the book “The One God”

In October of 2016, I mentioned the publication of the book “The One God,” a book of the New Message from God. I didn’t share too much of it at the time. This is another post in a series of Amazon reviews of the books of the New Message from God. I am adding additional material [in brackets].

The God of a billion, billion, billion races and more

The first sentence of “The New God Revelation,” Chapter 2 of the book “The One God”

The One God is a collection of revelations received by Marshall Vian Summers. These revelations were received between 2007 and 2015, in a number of different locations (Boulder, Colorado, USA, London, Tehran and Jerusalem). It is Book II, Volume 1 in a much larger body of material called the New Message from God.

What kind of God are we talking about?
The first sentence of “The Origin,” Chapter 3 of the book “The One God”

[What kind of God are we talking about? There are currently six published books in Volume 1 of the New Message from God. Those books are God Has Spoken Again, The One God, The New Messenger, The Greater Community, The Power of Knowledge and The Journey To A New Life. The New World and The Pure Religion are forthcoming books in Volume 1. I have written about God Has Spoken Again here.]

A patient father to the universe

The first sentence of “The Separation,” Chapter 4 in the book “The One God”

What kind of God is Marshall Vian Summers talking about? A God who is the Creator of all life. A God who responded to the choice of separation by creating the universe. A God of a billion billion billion races and more, in enormous variety. A God who delegates management of the universe to the laws of physics and biology, an Angelic Assembly over each of these many races, and a portion of himself in every individual, called Knowledge. A God with a plan to save every individual of every race in the universe.

The first sentence of “What Is Creation?” Chapter 5 of the book “The One God”

[What kind of God are we talking about? Has such a God ever been proclaimed before now? I don’t think so. Here and there, now and then, certain aspects of this God have been considered. It’s not just the Prodigal Son who is returning to his patient father, but a prodigal universe returning.]

You have important work to do

The first sentence of “God’s Plan Is To Save Everyone,” Chapter 11 of the book “The One God”

Why is this God being proclaimed now? This book does not “wish” to be considered as a book of theology. This book is telling you why you must undertake the effort to reclaim your deeper spiritual intelligence, so that you may be of service to a humanity facing the greatest challenges of its history. This book is providing a context for this in God’s greater work in the universe.

Do you dare to see a greater vision?

What kind of God are we talking about?
The first sentence of “The Heart of God,” Chapter 12 in the book “The One God”

I believe just about every reader will find some things they know to be confirmed by this book. I believe just about every reader will find some things they think they know to be challenged by this book. I believe just about every reader will find their mind and heart stretched and enlarged by reading this book.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

The Work Is Progressing, The People Are Working

The work is progressing, the people are working
Paving 28th Street in Manhattan, 1930

I am here to report that a work is progressing in the world. There are people making inspired and determined efforts to support it. What is this work? It is the work of organizing, publishing and translating the New Message from God. Who are the people? Marshall Vian Summers, his associates, and a worldwide community of responders.

The work is progressing, the people are working

The work is progressing, the people are working

Marshall Vian Summers is doing his part. He is organizing the revelations he has received from 1982 to the present. Many of these are chapters in one of the books of the New Message. Some of these are available online only. Many of these have never been available. Marshall is remedying that. In 2019, 15 different revelations have been made available to the public:

How to Regard the Messenger – Received March 2015
Protecting the Message and the Messenger – Received November 2014
Heaven and Hell – Received January 2008
Enduring Love – Received March 2011
Money – Received April 1992
Kindness – Received May 1993
Conflict – Received May 1993
Sex and Sexuality – Received February 2008
Pleasure – Received March 1992
Environments – Received May 1993
Inspiration – Received May 1993
New Message on Fulfillment – Received August 2007
The Reality of Your Spiritual Family – Received April 2008
The First Commitment – Received September 2008
The Deeper Current of Your Life – Received April 2008

Publication requires perspiration

The work is progressing, the people are working. In 2015, I wrote about how the New Message from God would be organized by volumes, books, chapters and verses. In 2019, the Society for the New Message from God released 2 new books: The Journey to a New Life and The Power of Knowledge. While Marshall has the final say on the projects, other people did a lot of the work of creating the books. I know this because the books mention some of these people. I know this because I know the people involved in publishing and shipping copies.

Let people hear in their heart language

Progress of translation of Steps to Knowledge, the book of spiritual practice of the New Message from God

The work is progressing, the people are working. The New Message from God is a large body of material. It is larger than the Pali Canon of Buddhism, the Bible of Christianity, and the Qur’an of Islam. It is a remarkable accomplishment that it is making its way into the languages of the world so quickly. Marshall hasn’t done any of this translation. His associates, known as the Society for the New Message from God, haven’t done any of this translation. Students of the New Message from around the world have done this translation. I wrote about some of these translators in 2014. I believe that when Marshall started to receive revelations in 1982, it was not clear to him that this was something that needed to be translated into the languages of the world.

It used to be impossible, now it’s merely difficult

The work is progressing, the people are working. Hudson Taylor (1832 – 1905), founder of the China Inland Mission, is reported to have said: “I have found that there are three stages in every great work of God: first, it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done.” I can recall a time when the idea of the New Message from God being published in the languages of the world was impossible to contemplate. Now I can see that we have a great deal of work to do, but it’s work we are happily doing. I may not be around to see when the work is done, but I can clearly see in my mind’s eye the day when that work is done.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.