Some of you may not be familiar with George Gallup (1901-1984). In 1935, he created the American Institute of Public Opinion, which would later be known as the Gallup Poll. Gallup was a pioneer in the art and science of public opinion surveys. His polling organization continues to this day.
What do we think about our visitors?
The Gallup Poll takes surveys on a wide variety of cultural topics. However, they are not well-known for conducting surveys on the subjects of UFOs or extraterrestrials. The first poll they conducted was in 1966, and the most recent poll they conducted was in 1999. But they conducted two in 2019, one in July and one in August.
In June, Gallup asked 489 American adults around the country the following question: “Do you think there are people somewhat like ourselves living on other planets in the universe or not?” (Question 1) The result was 49% Yes, 48% No, and 1% No Opinion, with a 6 percentage points margin of error. I consider the wording of the question to give the respondents some “wiggle room.”
Perhaps Gallup realized this and offered an alternate version of the question to 529 American adults around the country: “Do you think there is life of some form on other planets in the universe or not?” (Question 2) The result was 75% Yes, 22% No, and 3% No Opinion, with a 5 percentage points margin of error. I am not surprised at this result. Life is known to exist on earth in remarkably harsh environments. I would be interested in exploring the opinions of the No respondents.
In August, Gallup asked 1,521 American adults around the country the following question: “We have a question about Unidentified Flying Objects, also known as UFOs. Which comes closer to your view – [ROTATED: some UFOs have been alien spacecraft visiting Earth from other planets or galaxies, (or) all UFO sightings can be explained by human activity on Earth or natural phenomenon]?” (Question 3)
I consider the “ROTATED” to mean that half the time they offered one possible answer first, and the other half they offered the other possible answer first. The results was 33% “some UFOs have been alien spacecraft visiting Earth from other planets or galaxies,” 60% “all UFO sightings can be explained by human activity on Earth of natural phenomenon,” and 7% No opinion, with a 3 percentage points margin of error.
Both polls showed the responses of different subgroups, sorted by gender, region, education level and political affiliation. There were subgroup responses higher and lower than the total response. But all of the subgroup responses were close to the total response. There is no one subgroup that is driving the total response.
How many people are changing their minds?
What do we think about our visitors? Quite a few people are changing their minds, as it turns out. In 1999, 41% answered Yes to Question 1. An 8% increase works out to 19.2 million American adults changing their minds. In 1999, 61% answered Yes to Question 2. A 14% increase works out to 33.2 million American adults changing their minds. Question 3 has only been asked by Gallup in August of 2019.
I consider this to confirm the Marist Poll survey on this subject in February 2018. I have written about this poll here, here and here.

The Marist Poll shows a more dramatic change than the Gallup Poll. But both polls show that many Americans are changing their minds on the subject of the existence of intelligent life on other planets.
Why are we changing our minds?
What do we think about our visitors? Part of the reason people are changing their minds might be the explosion in exoplanet discovery. Exoplanets are planets orbiting a star other than our sun.
Some people are changing their minds in response to certain news items.
Is this a good thing?
What do you think about our visitors? The number of people changing their minds might indeed be a good thing. The New Message from God teaches that our world is emerging into a greater community of worlds. This emergence requires significant changes and significant preparation. If this is so, then it’s a good thing that we wonder what this greater community might be like.
Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.