In the fall of 2015, I wrote about the publication of the book “God Has Spoken Again” by Marshall Vian Summers. This book is a milestone in the publication of the New Message from God. But I didn’t write much about the actual content of the book. I am now correcting that omission. This is another post in a series of Amazon reviews of the books of the New Message from God. I am adding additional material [in brackets].

Marshall Vian Summers has been receiving material on a variety of topics since 1983. His books include “Relationships and Higher Purpose,” “Wisdom from the Greater Community,” and “Steps to Knowledge.” But in 1999, it was revealed to him that the material he was receiving was a new message from God, and that he was to be its messenger.
[In January of 2019, Marshall shared this: “I knew it [the teachings he had received] was important. I knew it was a teaching. I knew it was big. I knew it was immense in its scope and what would be required to study it. Oh, yes, but it was not until 1999 that I was informed, on the verge of having a serious health problem, that this was a New Message from God and I was to be its Messenger. Eighteen years of receiving Revelation and at that point, it was made known to me what it was, what it was for, and what I would have to do.”]
This book, which is Book 1 of Volume 1 of the New Message from God, is a collection of 14 revelations received between 2006 and 2015. Most of them were received in 2011. Most of them were received in Colorado, but one was received in Istanbul, Turkey, and one was received in Alexandria, Egypt.
When this book claims God has spoken again, it is claiming an event of similar magnitude to the teachings of Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed. Not a prophesy or a revitalization, but a new body of revelation. Many people might consider such an event to be impossible, but here it is.
[This book asserts that anyone who declares that God cannot or will not speak again is arrogantly presuming God to be smaller or less capable or less good than God really is. Who is anyone to tell God what God cannot or will not do? Readers from an Islamic background will take particular interest in the revelation “The Seal of the Prophets.”]
Many of the revelations examine various aspects of God speaking again. They basically say that a God who didn’t speak again when humanity needed to hear from God, wouldn’t be a good God.
Why is this new message here? Because we (and by “we” I mean “humanity”) are in trouble. Humanity faces unprecedented threats to its survival and freedom. Humanity faces an increasingly difficult world, a world of diminishing resources, affected climate, environmental degradation, and extraterrestrial intervention.
How did this new message get here? Just as God has spoken through Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed in the past, he is speaking through a man in the present. That man is Marshall Vian Summers, who has received a vast body of revelation from 1983 to the present. This revelation can be both read and heard, as it was recorded when it was received.
[For example, the revelation “The Proclamation,” Chapter 1 in God Has Spoken Again, can be heard here.]
What does this new message want? This new message wants your engagement. This new message wants individuals to find a deeper spiritual intelligence called Knowledge, an intelligence that is wiser than ordinary intellect or cultural conditioning. It offers a pathway for finding this Knowledge. This new message wants nations and religions to cooperate for the welfare of humanity and the sake of human freedom.
I understand that many people may find the very idea of God speaking again to be non-well-formed, gobbledygoop. But there are those who have cried out for God to help a struggling humanity. This may be the answer to your prayer.
Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.