Take From This World, But Then Give Back To It.

Banksy's oil-slicked Ariel. Take from this world, but then give back to it.

On many occasions, the New Message from God teaches that humanity needs to restore a plundered and degraded world.

“You must take care of the Earth. It has been given to you to sustain you. A beautiful world, a gem in the universe of barren planets and inhospitable places. Humanity knows not of the wealth of this world in contrast to the Greater Community of life that surrounds you and of which you have always been a part.

Take from this world, but give back to it. Clear its forests, but then replant them. If you must pollute its streams and waters, you must cleanse them and purify them. If you err by clouding the skies, then you must clear the skies.

For if the Earth fails you as a home, if it fails to sustain you because of the great abuse you have put upon it, then God will not save you.

If your soils become toxic and you cannot grow food and your people are in travail, God will not save you. For you have destroyed your home out of greed, out of arrogance, out of ignorance. You have destroyed the fertile lands and the pure air and the clean running waters of this world. You will not find these things in the universe around you. For they exist only in rare places far, far away.

If you will not honor God’s great gift of this world, a place for the separated to live where they will have an opportunity to discover through the power and presence of Knowledge within them their sacred and primary relationship with the Lord. If you will not honor this environment, this sacred ground, and God will not save you. You must restore the world to have a future here.

Heed this warning then, it is the warning of dire consequences, but it is also a gift of love, a gift of honest recognition, a gift of honest relationship that you have with the source of your life.

Honor this world and there will be a promise of a greater life and a new way forward for each one of you, and for all of you together.”

Take from this world, but then give back to it.

Therefore, I should be happy for the observance of Earth Day, which has been observed in various forms over the past 45 years. But I am not. I would feel a lot better if certain things happened. I don’t know if they will, but I pray that they do.

Take from this world, but then give back to it. I pray that the scientists whose predictions proved to be wildly inaccurate, would address why this is the case. It is almost as if some sinister force sought to undermine the credibility of the scientific enterprise.

Take from this world, but then give back to it. I pray that the people who profess to be serious about the environment act as if they are serious about the environment. It is almost as if some sinister force sought to make people believe that concern for the environment is just another plaything for the elites.

Take from this world, but then give back to it. I pray that people will realize the connection between the freedom of a society, the damage it does to the environment, and the speed with which it restores that damage. I am of the opinion that freer nations do less damage to the environment than nations that are less free. I am of the opinion that freer nations repair the damage they have caused to the environment faster than nations that are less free. And yet, these ideas go relatively unconsidered in public discourse. It is almost as if some sinister force sought to make people turn over responsibility for the environment to some unseen and distant face.

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