Why Do I Need Teachers? Let Me Count The Ways

The idea of the Teachers of God was introduced in Step 22 of Steps to Knowledge, and elaborated on in Steps 23, 24, 25, 28 and 36.  They are being mentioned again in Step 47, but as part of larger discussion about the nature of learning.  I quote from the Step:
“You have been prepared through relationships for everything that you have learned, whether it be a practical skill or a deeper insight.”

The way I see this, when anyone has the thought, “Hmm…maybe I should learn more about this particular subject,” if it is traced back far enough, it is another way of saying “Perhaps if I learned more about this particular subject, I could contribute something more to a certain relationship than I am currently contributing.”  The very thought that I should care goes back to relationships.

Even in the area of practical skills, people have things they don’t know that they don’t know about themselves, and they have things they don’t know that they don’t know about the thing about which they want to learn something.  I consider it a miracle that learning takes place as often as it does.

People will vigorously protest that they know how to learn.  But the same people will also vigorously protest that they know how to eat.  I willingly grant that people know how to put things in their mouths, chew them and swallow them.  But how many of these people have health issues because they’re eating too much of this and not enough of that?  And why are they eating too much of this and not enough of that?  Some people’s learning is more profitable than other people’s learning, just like some people’s eating is more healthy than other people’s eating.


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1 thought on “Why Do I Need Teachers? Let Me Count The Ways

  1. I take this step to mean that other people are our teachers. Without teachers, we don’t learn anything. When we were a baby our mother had to teach us how to eat, to speak, to crawl, everything. When we got older, we learned everything from others who were older and more advanced than us. Even the “creative” thoughts and insights that pop into our head are the result of relationships with unseen teachers who are always with us. Some people believe in angels. I believe in teachers on the ground and in the air.

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