The Truth Could Have Unforeseen Consequences

Step 17 of Steps to Knowledge, “Today I want to hear the truth,” is the third step so far to have the word “today” in it.  It was previously encountered in Step 8, “Today I will be still” and Step 15, “I will listen to my experience today.”  I mention this because I believe that what is meant by the word “today” is not “today and only today,” but “today and every day from now on.”  But my mind is more comfortable at the thought of “today” as “today and today only.”

Some people might consider this step and say “Well, of course I want to hear the truth.” But this is more than just all the propositions that are true.  What if the truth was that you needed to leave your job?  What if the truth was that you needed to get into a different line of work?  What if the truth was that you needed to leave where you lived, and move to a large city, 1,800 miles away?

What if the truth was that you are not the person you have imagined yourself to be? What if the truth was that you were a much better person than the person you have imagined yourself to be?  There would be a certain degree of shock to discover that.


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1 thought on “The Truth Could Have Unforeseen Consequences

  1. I like to think of “today” as “here and now,” and really that is all we have when all is said and done – the moment we are living in now, which is both immediate and eternal.

    Your questions about what the truth might be are probing and indeed shocking to some extent, but what I realized when taking this Step about wanting to hear the truth is that I am prepared for whatever answer I may get. Let the veils fall from my eyes and mind and the truth be revealed, however shocking it may be.

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