Rise And Unite Become A Strong Race

Rise and unite become a strong race

This is the eighth post in a series of posts on the revelation “The Great Turning Point for Humanity.” This revelation is a small part of the New Message from God. The first post is here. The previous post is here.

UPDATE 07/07/2021: The next post in the series is here.

What have we seen so far? Individuals, for the most part, are unaware of the great changes humanity faces in the near future. It doesn’t occur to most people that the seas will rise and the lands will dry. Most people don’t consider the possibility of a greater community of intelligent life.

Rise and unite become a strong race

The following is the 47th paragraph of this teaching. I will add my experience of each paragraph in brackets.

There are those responding at this moment, but their numbers are very small. There are those who are awakening at this time, but their numbers are very small. This is a Calling for every person who can respond. And for those who cannot respond, they will have to face the consequences of living in a new world reality.

Pile of Bison skulls 1870. An increasingly difficult world

[I concur that the numbers of people responding to this message are very small. The numbers of people awakening to the situation described here are very small. Those who cannot respond will face an increasingly difficult world.]

If humanity cannot respond sufficiently, if enough people cannot respond, then the human family will fall prey to domination by other forces, who are already planting the seeds of dissension amongst you and even within you, within certain people. This is their great opportunity to intervene while humanity is unwary, while humanity is irresponsible, while humanity is obsessed with its own conflicts and ridiculous pursuits.

[If humanity cannot respond to the consequences of its actions, it will be vulnerable to extraterrestrial manipulation. This persuasion will be cloaked in benevolence. This seduction will take advantage of human ignorance of the Greater Community and its realities.]

You do not realize how valuable this world is in a universe of barren planets. You do not realize what you are facing. So only God can reveal these things to you. If you cannot accept this, then you will be lost in this world—lost in confusion, lost in travail, lost in hostility and rebellion.

[How many trees are there in the universe? So many things have to go right for this. Our world is seen by foreign space-faring nations as a resource-rich environment. A rare gem in a universe of barren worlds.]

Already your political governments are failing, breaking apart, your nations divided between extremists who try to lead their countries, not realizing that nations will have to unite, practically and fundamentally, to be able to deal with the consequences of what We speak of here today. Instead of breaking apart, you should be uniting—not because it is a good thing to do, but because it is the only thing to do.

[I realize this is a hard thing to contemplate. People have strong attachments to their ethnicity, their nationality and their religion. But there is a truth that is stronger than these attachments. A united humanity may succeed, but a divided humanity will fail. And by “fail” I mean “either become extinct or lose its freedom.”]

Those who say, “Oh, this is too much. This is too extreme. This cannot happen. Things will not turn out like that!” These are people who are too weak to respond. They are too given to their own priorities and obsessions. They do not have the inner strength to face something like this, even though the signs of the world are being presented to them with each passing day.

[Who can look at the past 100 years, and then say that anything cannot happen? Day by day the evidence for this future grows.]

This is the evolution of humanity. Evolution has painful thresholds within it. The world did not become the paradise it is today through graceful change alone, but through convulsive change—great extinctions, great alteration of the climate, convulsion, combustion. This is evolution. It is not some simple path that you follow, that delights you at every turn. You have come into the world at a time of great evolution. Fail and you will become governed and oppressed by foreign powers, beyond what you can imagine today.

[By “foreign powers,” they mean “extraterrestrial space-faring nations.” By “governed and oppressed,” they mean “enslaved and exploited.” Humanity is perceived as intelligent animals to be domesticated. Freedom is not cherished by foreign powers.]

If you rise and unite, humanity will become a strong race, an independent race, in such a way that this independence can be protected and preserved. Only the New Message describes why this is the case and what it really means.

[Rise and unite become a strong race. There are other free worlds in our region of space. Freedom is rare because it requires sustainable self-sufficiency and discretion. But it is not impossible.]

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

An Increasingly Difficult World

Pile of Bison skulls 1870. An increasingly difficult world

At the 2018 Encampment of the New Message from God, we engaged with the phrase “a New World reality.” The previous post addressed the “reality” part. This post addresses the “New World” part.

Ants carrying leaves, preparing for the future. An increasingly difficult world

An increasingly difficult world

The New World is the title of the the soon-to-be-published Book 5 of Volume 1 of the New Message from God. I can imagine that some people read the words “New World” and think of great abundance and discovery. Flying cars, vacations on Mars, and so forth. But the New Message is speaking of a world where a 250-year period of explosive growth is coming to an end. The New Message is speaking of an increasingly difficult world. The chapters of The New World include:

The Global Emergency
Being Centered in a Crashing World
The Great Warning
Entering the New World
The Race to Save Human Civilization
The Shock of the Future
What Will Save Humanity

I have written a series of posts on The Race to Save Human Civilization. I once thought these teachings spoke of events in the next hundred years or so. As I pondered these teachings at the 2018 Encampment, I reconsidered their time frame. There are relatively few references to events taking place by a certain time. But the New Message teaches that the previous revelation came roughly 1,400 years ago. These teachings may speak of things to come in the seemingly distant future. However, there are signs and harbingers in the world today. And yet, there are things that must be done now to prepare for an increasingly difficult world.

A great warning. An increasingly difficult world.

A world of declining resources

This phrase is used many times in the New Message from God to describe the human future. Another image frequently used to describe this is a growing number of people drinking from a slowly shrinking well. This could mean an absolute decline in resources. This could mean a decline in the amount of resources available for a given amount of money. I can understand the skepticism some people might feel, as certain warnings of declining resources in the past have not come true. But how long can the current arrangement last? A significant increase in the cost of energy would make for an increasingly difficult world.

A sunset. An increasingly difficult world

A world of affected climate

The New Message from God uses this word to describe a climate affected by human activity to such an extent that the climate has begun to change on its own, in ways that will be less hospitable to human activity. The future climate will make for an increasingly difficult world. The future will have many more unexpected weather events. Agriculture will be disrupted by an unexpected climate. Because of this, some currently habitable regions will become uninhabitable. The sea levels will rise to a greater extent than that currently predicted by any scientist. I realize I sound a lot like the doom-mongers I have mocked in the past. But I believe these events are taking place over a longer time-frame than most scientists or politicians consider.

A garbage dump in the future. An increasingly difficult world.

A world with a deteriorated environment

The New Message from God teaches that humanity has affected the chemistry of the atmosphere, the waters and the soils. And not in a good way, either. Therefore, there will be a great deal of work to be done in the future of cleansing the atmosphere, the waters and the soils. There will be a great deal of work to be done in the future of lightening humanity’s environmental impact. All this will make for an increasingly difficult world.

A girl faces the universe. An increasingly difficult world

A world facing intervention

The New Message from God teaches that humanity is facing intervention from extraterrestrial races. This intervention is directly related to humanity’s destructive patterns of environmental use and consumption. Suppose an isolated tribe in the world were discovered to be destroying their environment. Some nation might feel they were doing that tribe a favor by intervening. Humanity is in that situation now.

Flooding in Spring, Texas during Hurricane Harviey in 2017. An increasingly difficult world

An increasingly difficult world

I realize this is a collection of negative predictions for humanity’s future. However, I take consolation that a warning is being given with directions for preparation. The good news is that the bad news isn’t all the news. The Book of Proverbs declares “Faithful are the wounds of a friend.” (Proverbs 27:6, King James Version). How shall we prepare? That’s for another post. But the “New World reality” of the New Message from God is a future with an increasingly difficult world.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Is There A Hope For Friendship Between Nations?

British and French flags, entente cordiale. Is there a hope for friendship between nations?

I am pleased to report that last Sunday, April 8, 2018, marked the 114th anniversary of a historic occasion. The occasion is the signing of a treaty of friendship between Britain and France. This treaty is informally known as the Entente Cordiale. This event was not mentioned to me at any point in my formal education. All I was told was, “Well, Britain, France and Russia were allies in 1914.”

Is there a hope for friendship between nations?

I take great encouragement in the existence and longevity of the Entente Cordiale. Let me tell you why.

Bayeux Tapestry, Hastings. Is there a hope for friendship between nations?

Britain and France had a long, unhappy history of many wars between each other. Between 1202 and 1904, England (later Britain) and France engaged in 23 different wars. The longest time they were able to go without a war during this period was 89 years, between 1815 and 1904. And don’t forget the Norman Conquest of 1066. Someone might despair of two nations ever getting along because of their long, unhappy history. I can say “Oh, they are like Britain and France in 1904.”

Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain. Is there a hope for friendship between nations?

Both Britain and France were global powers at the time with interests around the world. The Entente Cordiale granted freedom of action to Great Britain in Egypt and to France in Morocco. At the same time, Great Britain conceded territory in Guinea, Nigeria, and the upper Gambia valley. France renounced its exclusive right to certain fisheries off Newfoundland. Furthermore, French and British zones of influence in Siam (Thailand) were outlined. Arrangements were also made to allay the rivalry between British and French colonists in the New Hebrides (now known as Vanuatu). Someone might despair of two global powers ever getting along because of multiple conflicts of interest. I can say “Oh, they are like France and Britain in 1904.”

Queen Victoria visits France, 1843. Is there a hope for friendship between nations?

Is there a hope for friendship between nations? Sometimes, the best that can be done is the sowing of a seed for the future. Queen Victoria of Britain did that very thing in 1843 when she visited France. The last time a British ruler had visited France was Henry VIII in 1532. Queen Victoria used the phrase “a cordial good understanding.” King Louis-Phillipe used the phrase “une sincère amitié.”

Cartoon mocking Entente Cordiale. Is there a hope for friendship between nations?

Is there a hope for friendship between nations? Perhaps there were some nobler motivations and some less noble motivations for the Entente Cordiale. Suppose a nation does the right thing for the right reasons. Its motives will be questioned by other individuals and other nations. All I know is that if a nation makes an alliance with another nation, that alliance will be tested. The First Moroccan Crisis of 1905-6 was a test of the Entente Cordiale, in my opinion.

The New Message from God teaches that human unity is a necessity for human survival and human freedom. These two paragraphs are from the revelation “What Will Save Humanity.” This is a chapter in the forthcoming book “The New World.

“Humanity is imperiled from within and from without. From within, it is facing a world in decline. Its growing populations will have to contend with a slowly shrinking well of resources and with environmental disruption. It will have to pay attention now to the laws of nature, which hold little mercy for the unprepared. It will have to face a fundamental decision over whether nations will compete and contend and fight over the remaining resources or whether they will unite to preserve them, to extend them and to make sure the human family as a whole has what it needs.

It is not about national security now. It is about world security. Your nation will not remain unaffected if other nations fail. If millions of people stream over your borders because they cannot sustain themselves in your neighboring countries, that will have a great impact upon you. If humanity cannot feed itself, great war and tribulation will follow. Think not that these challenges are not upon you, for the world is telling you otherwise, and Knowledge within you is urging you to respond.”

Is there a hope for friendship between nations? I know there are people reading these words who are persuaded that a unified humanity is impossible. But there were people living in Britain and France in 1816 who believed that the next thousand years would be as full of war as the last thousand years. So far, they have been mistaken. Will humanity unite? All I know is that I must do what I can to help that happen.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.