I am persuaded that you are needed here. And by “here” I mean “in this world.” Therefore, it is my sincere hope that you will cleanse and develop yourself, because you are important. Therefore, I can get behind the idea of New Year’s Resolutions (NYRs) to a certain extent. I would also like to offer some adjustments to the existing custom.
How shall I develop myself?
How shall I develop myself? Ashleigh Brilliant wrote “At any moment I could start being a better person…But which moment should I choose?” The current custom of NYRs involves identifying a problem, and then not doing anything about it until January 1. Therefore, the earlier in December one’s NYRs are made, the more skeptical I am regarding them. The earlier in December one’s NYRs are made, the more disempowering they are, as they take you away from the idea that you could do something right now.
How shall I develop myself? I can generally get behind the idea of both spoken and written NYRs. I can generally get behind the idea of an NYR being in the form of an affirmation. But many spoken and written resolutions fail. Many affirmations fail. Why is that the case? I consider one reason to be the lack of unity on the inside of a person. Many people resolve to do something, but don’t envision themselves doing the thing they resolved. For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger attributed his success as a bodybuilder not only to his efforts in the gym, but to his efforts in visualizing himself practicing, visualizing his muscles growing, visualizing his being acclaimed as a champion. Therefore, I consider any NYRs that do not include visualizations of both taking the actions, and getting the results of those actions, to be disempowering and non-well-formed.
How shall I develop myself? Many NYRs are reasonably well-formed, and have a certain amount of inner visualization behind them, but still fail. Why is that the case? I consider one reason to be the lack of practice, the lack of “putting feet to your prayers.” Some people are practicing things that are guaranteed to result in something other than their NYR. Therefore, I consider any NYRs that do not include plans for practices that will result in those things happening to be non-well-formed and disempowering.
How shall I develop myself? At this point, I can imagine someone thinking “So what is your 2015 NYR, Mr. Smartybritches?” It is to complete the study of Steps to Knowledge for the second time. Steps to Knowledge is the book of spiritual practice of the New Message from God. It has 365 steps to follow. I took about 4 years to do Steps to Knowledge the first time. I started again in April of 2014. I am currently on Step 85, “I find happiness in small things today.”. I was on Step 321, “The world is awaiting my contribution”. I therefore did 128 steps in 2014. I envision, resolve and plan to do more in the coming year.
How shall I develop myself? I have a plan to reach the goal. If I work my plan, I will end up closer to my goal than I will if I do nothing. Who knows, it might even take me all the way.
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