Step 2. Knowledge is with me. Where am I? – Photoquoting

Step2-Triathlon-WordPress-FitThe people in this picture are actually trying to get somewhere. They’re trying to get to the end of the swimming portion of a triathlon. But this picture captured my answer to the question of Step 2 “Knowledge is with me. Where am I?” of Steps to Knowledge. I was thrashing and flailing on the turbulent surface of my mind.

Knowledge is with me. Where am I?

It seems to be a good thing to think about the steps in both words and pictures. It seems to be a good thing to put a post with this picture along with the other posts which mention Step 2.

I am currently on the Step 42 Review, the second time through Steps to Knowledge.

I am currently blogging about Step 95, “How can I possibly fulfill myself?” I seem to be on a bit of a dither. I am confronted with the inadequacy of my words to convey the experience. If I write something about Step 95, and someone reads it, without grasping the significant amount of preparation that has taken place in Steps 1 through 94, have I helped?

I have made photoquotes for Step 1 through Step 16, “Beyond my mind is Knowledge,” without doing the Review steps (Steps 7 and 14). I’m managing to keep the photoquotes page current, more or less. I am experiencing a certain flow of enthusiasm regarding photoquotes.

I have only made posts of photoquotes for the first two steps. This may take a while, but I’d like to believe I’ll get around to it.

Knowledge is with me. Where am I? I am a little of the way up the mountain. I am a student. I am a marginally competent student. I am a student who is increasing in competence. I am someone who is doing the work of reclaiming Knowledge. I am someone who is learning to learn without fear, without ambition. If Knowledge possesses a perfect utilization of my nature, then where do I sign up?

Alisa writes:

This picture shows up on many spiritual websites that address purpose, meaning and direction in life, but I do not know who made it. It resonated with me because when I did Step 2, I saw myself standing at the bottom of a stairway, a stairway leading upwards, with something gleaming and beckoning at the top. Knowledge shines like a beacon and I have the urge to reach it. Where am I? I am at the bottom ready to ascend.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Струящееся и сгибающееся

Струящееся и сгибающееся

For English version click here.

Шаг 42 в книге «Шаги к Знанию» представляет собой очередной обзор. Он гласит о том, что всё, что от меня требуется, это следовать предложенной подготовке, чтобы получить его истинные награды. Мне только понадобится следовать по заданному пути с уверенностью и в настоящим ожидании. Ну чтож, такое струящееся и сгибающееся обучение меня устраивает. Тут ничего строго и сурового нет, и между тем, я буду развивать чувство самоуважения.

Я тут же сосредоточилась на этом, ведь я часто страдала в прошлом от чувства низкой самооценки. Я написала в своих записях:

Самоуважение – для меня это камень преткновения, ведь, как мне кажется, чувство самоуважения легко может перерасти в гордыню, и когда это случается, то меня ждет падение с высот обратно на землю с крахом. Однако, речь о самоуважении тут имеет другой оттенок – я должна чувствовать, что я достойна великих дар Знания. Да уж, наверно в этом что-то есть. И смотреть на мир без осуждения тоже достойное занятие, которое стоит развивать. Я хочу взять то, что меня предлагает и использовать его ради Высшего Блага и, поскольку я – часть единого целого, то и ради Высшего Блага всего человечества. Я смирно хочу следовать по обучению с уверенностью и в настоящим ожидании, чтобы получить истинные награды.

Струящееся и сгибающееся

И опять же, для меня это очень отрадно, что Шаги признают, что я могу сталкиваться с трудностями, но ничего страшного в этом нет, просто надо эти трудности осознать и попытаться исправить их. Мне просто надо смотреть без осуждений, видеть то, что меня предлагает, осознавать то, чего я уже достигла и то, что я могу дальше делать, чтобы углублять свою практику. Более струящееся и сгибающееся обучение я никогда не встречала.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Flowing and Flexible

flowing and flexible

I am dedicated to practicing Steps to Knowledge as they are presented, not changing or adjusting the lessons to meet my tastes and expectations. But I hasten to add that they are in no way rigid and rigorous, they are flowing and flexible.

This is the conclusion I come to in Step 42, another review of the past week of practice.

Now some attentive reader may say, hey, aren’t you jumping the gun? What about Step 41. I am not afraid of the power of God? Very good, but in truth I have not skipped this Step, I have shared on it previously in this space. That was before I cottoned on to the fact that it might be better to write about my Steps practice methodically, beginning at Step 1. In my Step 41 post “I Wish To Venture Forth,” I shared a poem by Robert Frost called The Road Not Taken, which I interpreted as a leap of faith, a choice made on the spur of the moment. Again, something flowing and flexible.

Flowing and flexible

Step 42. Review says that I need only follow the curriculum to receive its true rewards. I need only follow, in faith and in true expectation. And in so doing, one of the things I will develop is self-worth.

I zoned in on this, since it is something I struggle with, and wrote in my notes:

  • Self-worth…. This is a tough one because for me it seems so easy for a feeling of self-worth to develop into arrogance, and whenever that happens I am brought back to earth with a thud. The self-worth it talks about here though has a different quality that I want to cultivate—valuing myself enough to feel I am worthy of the great gifts of Knowledge–hmmm, there seems to be something in that. And again, looking at things without judgment is certainly an attribute to be cultivated.I want to take what is being offered and use it for my Higher Good and, since I am part of the whole, for the Higher Good of the rest of humanity. I humbly wish to follow in faith and in true expectation, and receive the true rewards.

Again, I find it so refreshing that Steps acknowledges that I might have difficulty, but not to worry, I just need to recognize the problems and attempt to correct them. Again, I am to look without judgment and see what has been offered, what I have done and what I can possibly do to deepen my practice. Now I do not believe you can get much more flowing and flexible than that.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Can I Find The Way To The Power Of God?

This is the sixth post in a series of seven posts regarding Step 49 of Steps to Knowledge.  In Step 49, I’ve been told to review my practice and experience of the first 48 Steps.  I am sharing what I wrote when I actually did the Step 49 review, and adding commentary as needed.

Step 36 – My life is a mystery to explore – “I remember thinking the phrase ‘going spelunking in my soul.'” I waited from early 2011 to June 2013 to write that phrase in a blog post.  Part of this step was taking the focus off of life as a result to be judged.

Step 37 – There is a way to Knowledge – “I wrote down this Step in this book,  I seem to think that I need to get high to get to Knowledge.” I wrote down 23 different practices, some of which are about development of character, some of which are about alteration of consciousness.

Step 38 – God knows the way to Knowledge – “I did the Step.  Sometime around this day I got there were Christians who found the way to Knowledge, like Joan of Arc.”  I’ve written two posts about Joan of Arc so far.  I will probably write more in the future.

Step 39 – The power of God is with me – “I did the step, recalling the hymn ‘Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise.'”  This Christian hymn, written in 1876 to a Welsh melody, talks about God dwelling in inaccessible light.  It talks about God being “unresting, unhasting, and silent as light.”  This hymn had a similar vibration to me as the bit in the next step about the great stillness of God.

Step 40 – Today I will feel the power of God – “I commented on this Step.”  The post about tomato aspic is the commentary I wrote down.

Step 41 – I am not afraid of the power of God – “I commented on this Step.”  In that commentary, among other things, I wrote “The separation is insane, and to maintain it, I must spin a hurtful insane mud world around myself.”  Spinning a mud world around myself is a line from a Robert Bly translation of a Kabir poem.

Step 42 – Review – “I commented on this review.”  In that commentary, I wrote “Another thing I haven’t written down until now is that I’m very briefly scanning through the Steps I’ve done so far, in getting to the Step I’m going to do on a particular day.  That seems to help.”


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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

I Did My Best, It Wasn’t Much

I did my best, it wasn’t much
I couldn’t feel, so I tried to touch
I’ve told the truth, I didn’t come to fool you
And even though it all went wrong
I’ll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah

Leonard Cohen – Hallelujah

Step 42 of Steps to Knowledge is another review, a review where the student is asked to examine the depth and care of his practice.  If the student is changing or adjusting the lessons to suit preferences or aversions, tastes or expectation, she can’t really expect what is promised.

Step 39 declares the power of God is within your Knowledge.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.