How Shall I Pray For A Student Of Knowledge?

How shall I pray for a student of Knowledge?

As I studied Steps to Knowledge, the book of spiritual practice of the New Message from God, it first seemed like a relatively solitary practice. There were some people I would correspond with, but the steps were mostly speaking to my life story.

How shall I pray for a student of Knowledge?

As I progressed, the importance of my interactions with other students became clearer. Steps spoke of how every accomplishment is a group effort. The mission I came to the world to accomplish requires the development of others. A hope began to emerge for the success of my fellow students.

How shall I pray for a student of Knowledge? Step 121, “Today I am free to give,” and Step 122, “I give without loss today,” encouraged me to give strength of character and strength of faculty of mind. Something like this emerged:

“I give my fellow students contentment with following the Steps as given. I give them building and balancing the four pillars of their lives [relationships, work, health and spirituality]. I give them trust in their deepest inclinations.

I didn’t notice this the first time I studied Steps to Knowledge, but in the second time through, I noticed this paragraph of Step 342, “I am a student of Knowledge today,” as a prayer for students of Knowledge. It seems to work to pray it for one’s self, or to pray it for someone else.

Today you are a student of Knowledge. You are following your preparation step by step. You are learning to be unburdened of your own judgment and anxiety. You are learning to be confirmed by the presence of Knowledge within you and by the presence of love within your life. You are learning to honor yourself and learning to appreciate your world. You are learning to recognize your responsibility and learning to recognize the world’s need for this responsibility to be carried forth. You are learning to be still within and meaningfully engaged without. You are learning to receive. You are learning to give. You are learning to recognize that your life is being redeemed.

How shall I pray for a student of Knowledge? This is my prayer for you.

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