They Called Him A Legend On His Home World

Spock-playing-3d-chess They called him a legend on his home worldThe Star Trek community is celebrating the rich, full life and mourning the death of Leonard Nimoy, the originator of the character Spock in September of 1966. Leonard Nimoy played Spock in what is now called Star Trek: The Original Series. He also played Spock in a number of Star Trek movies, most recently Star Trek: Into Darkness.

They called him a legend on his home world

As far as I can tell, Spock is the first human-alien hybrid to be a main character in a television series. Kal-el (more commonly known as Superman) was pure Kryptonian. Star Trek provided little detail as to the meeting of Ambassador Sarek of the planet Vulcan, and human teacher Amanda Grayson. Star Trek also declined to explore how this interplanetary marriage was received by the cultures of Earth and Vulcan. All we know is that Spock was considered to be a legend on his home world of Vulcan. (Star Trek: The Original Series: Amok Time)

They called him a legend on his home world. I was obsessed with Star Trek: The Original Series as a child. It offered a vision of the future where humanity had overcome its ethnic and religious enmities and united as a race. The captain of the Enterprise was American, the navigator was Russian, the helmsman was Japanese and the communications officer was African (or was it African-American?). Star Trek offered a vision of the future where humanity had not only reached the planets, but the stars.

They called him a legend on his home world. I find it a remarkable phenomenon that many scientists and engineers working at NASA were inspired by Star Trek.

They called him a legend on his home world. I have already explored the difficulties faced by interethnic marriages are among humans. They say that Amanda Grayson was well-received on Vulcan. They say she was addressed as “the Lady Amanda.” But what did they say behind her back? How did they feel about this innovation? And how did Amanda’s family on Earth receive her departure?

They called him a legend on his home world. One thing that is indisputable is that the character Spock has been an enormous hit with humanity. I would like to offer an alternative perspective. It is as if someone (for whatever reason) wished to present alien-human interbreeding in the most positive possible light. The families and cultures raised no objections, the pregnancy and birth was uneventful, the child was well-adjusted on his father’s world, and he grew up to be a hero and a legend. Isn’t it remarkable how well things turned out?

Star Trek: The Original Series, and the later versions of Star Trek offered one possibility as to what a greater community of intelligent life might be like. Perhaps it is important to know what it is really like? What is the reality?

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Let’s Use “Ethnic” Instead Of “Racial,” Shall We?

Let's use "ethnic" instead of "racial," shall we? Racial should be used when speaking about the entire human race

I’ve been told that if I confess my errors to other people, and pray for other people, then I will be healed.  I’m feeling a desire to confess an error of my country, and to request your prayers and good intentions for its progress.

Condoleezza Rice called the institution of slavery “America’s birth defect.” Even after slavery was ended by the Civil War of 1861-1865, a system of institutional second-class citizenship for the slaves and their descendants emerged in America.  It took another hundred years for that system to be confronted and dismantled by the work of many individuals, most notably Martin Luther King, Jr.  One aspect of this system were laws banning marriage between citizens of certain ethnicities.

I am pleased to report that my home state of Minnesota never had such a law.  I am also told that in Minnesota’s past, a marriage between a person of Swedish ancestry and a person of Norwegian ancestry was considered a scandalous mixed marriage.

All state laws banning marriage between citizens of different ethnicities were declared unConstitutional by the Supreme Court in the case Loving v. Virginia in 1967.  Since then, the number of marriages described by the term “interracial marriages” has consistently increased.  I consider this a wholesome trend.  There are others who, for whatever reason, do not.  Tamera Mowry comments here on those who have bitterly criticized her interracial marriage:

Let’s use “ethnic” instead of racial, shall we?

I hereby declare my desire for the words “race,” “racial,” etc. to only be used in the context of the entire human species, the entire human family.  The way the word “race” is currently used is a historical artifact of a more ignorant time.  People once believed that other people of certain different ethnicities, were actually members of different species.  This has been demonstrated and documented as a false belief.  The words “ethnic” and “ethnicity” come from the Greek word which is translated in the New Testament as “nations,” “Gentiles” or “peoples.” Ethnicity is a perfectly good word to describe what people mistakenly use the word race to describe.  Therefore, I consider Tamera Mowry’s marriage to Adam Housley to be an “interethnic marriage.”

Someone is reading this and thinking “Douglas, what you are proposing will never happen.”  I realize this might take a while. The word “miscegenation” was once commonly used to describe certain interethnic marriages, but has dropped out of public discourse.  I’m putting in my request for the change I want to see in the world.

Someone is reading this and thinking “But Douglas, by the definition you have just proposed, there are vast numbers of interethnic marriages.  It takes the drama out of the whole deal.”  Truth has a way of doing that, doesn’t it?

Someone else is reading this and thinking “But Douglas, what about the haters?”  Just as some people have a certain attachment to their country, other people have a certain attachment to their ethnicity.  Some people have undue ethnic pride, others have undue ethnic self-loathing.  But in the unified world I dream of and work toward, ethnic prejudice is a long-renounced insanity, as unacceptable as, say, not wearing clothes in public is today. I invite the people who disapprove of the marriage of Tamara Mowry and Adam Housley to have a conversation in the secret chamber of their hearts, examining the ethnic attachment which is the root of all ethnic prejudice.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.