Do You Believe We Deserve To Be Free?

Measuring the earth. Do you believe we deserve to be free?

Public opinion polls for individual nations have been around for a long time. From time to time, polls are conducted for a certain region of the world, such as the Pew Research Center polls of the Middle East and North Africa. But I saw a public opinion poll this week that was out of the ordinary for multiple reasons.

Do you believe we deserve to be free?

The poll was conducted by a company called Glocalities. It could be remarkable in that it is the closest thing to a global opinion poll to be conducted by a private company. The poll surveyed 26,492 people in 24 countries in 15 languages. The two most populous countries in the world, China and India, were included in the survey. Glocalities reports that each country has an equal weight in the data. I take that to mean that while they might not ask exactly as many Chinese as Americans, they counted the Chinese response as much as the American response. Got that?

Do you believe we deserve to be free? While many public opinion polls have been conducted on beliefs regarding extraterrestrials, this poll has sampled more people from more countries and more languages than any poll I have ever seen. The very existence of this poll is a remarkable development in my opinion. It took a good bit of effort to conduct this poll. Someone wants to know what humanity thinks on this subject. I confess curiosity as to who wants to know, and why. I won’t find that out anytime soon, will I?

Do you believe we deserve to be free? The first question was, “Do you believe in the existence of some form of life on other planets?” 62% of the respondents answered Yes, 17% answered No, and 22% answered that they didn’t know. I would answer yes to this question. After all, life on earth exists in some very harsh and challenging environments. For example, bacteria exist in the hot springs at Yellowstone National Park. There are microorganisms that live in very cold environments on earth. I can imagine some form of life in challenging environments on other worlds without too much effort.

Do you believe we deserve to be free? I consider the second question to be a stronger version of the first question. The second question was, “Do you believe in the existence of intelligent alien civilizations in the universe?” 47% of the respondents answered Yes, 26% answered No, and 28% answered that they didn’t know. I would answer yes to this question. After all, the observable universe is really, really big. Furthermore, the universe has been around for a long, long time. There are most likely a great many things in the universe that we haven’t seen yet. There are most likely a great many things in the universe that we haven’t even imagined yet.

Do you believe we deserve to be free? The third question was a follow-up question to those who answered yes to the second question. The third question was, “Do you think that humans should try to get in contact with advanced alien civilizations?” 60% of the respondents to this question answered Yes. That’s 60% of the 47% who answered yes to the second question, or about 28% of the entire body of respondents. 21% of the respondents to this question answered No. 19% of the respondents to this question answered that they didn’t know. I would answer no to this question. The result of this poll only strengthens my conviction that my people are reckless blabbermouths.

Panspermia Do you believe we deserve to be free?Do you believe we deserve to be free? The final question was “Do you believe that the first life form on earth arrived here from another place in the universe?” 25% of the respondents answered Yes, 39% answered No, and 36% answered that they didn’t know. I would answer no to this question. There is evidence to suggest life on earth emerged at a very early date. I confess to be surprised at the percentage of people answering yes. No one in my world believes this. If they do, they keep it to themselves.

Do you believe we deserve to be free? It is my sincere hope that Glocalities and other organizations will conduct similar global polls in the future. It is also my sincere hope that such polls will contain the following questions:

Do you believe that technically advanced alien civilizations are necessarily spiritually advanced?

Do you believe that technically advanced alien civilizations are present in the world in some form?

Do you believe that technically advanced alien civilizations have benign or benevolent intentions toward humanity?

The New Message from God teaches that humanity is emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. This is an enormous transition, requiring a great deal of preparation. Can we see with clear eyes? I hope this poll helps.

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