We Take Inspiration From These Great Lives

ShouldersOfGiants. We take inspiration from these great lives.

Sir Isaac Newton said “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” In the past two months, the students of the Free School of the New Message from God (myself included) have been contemplating, among other things, people whose efforts and contributions make them examples we wish to emulate.

We take inspiration from these great lives

In March of 2015, we read and reflected on the revelation “The Gift of a New Life,” received by Marshall Vian Summers in May of 2011. There are many great ideas here, but the part I wish to share is this part about the efforts which must be made on our part.

“To have a new life, you must do the work. It is not a spell that is put upon you. It is not taking some magic potion and having everything be different. It is not a form of addiction or intoxication.

You will have to do the work. You will have to take the risks. You will have to make the decisions. You will have to disappoint other people. You will have to disappoint your own goals and ambitions. You will have to change your plans.

This is where you become strong. This is where you become united within yourself. This is where you follow one voice instead of many voices in your mind. This is where your true allegiance emerges amongst your other commitments and obligations.

This is where you reclaim your strength and your self-confidence. This is where you stop behaving foolishly, giving your life away to silly and meaningless things. This is where you know who to choose to be with and how to resist the temptations that lead you elsewhere in life.”

We take inspiration from these great lives. In April of 2015, we were asked to consider people who did the work, people who took the risks, people who made the decisions, people who became strong, etc. Students shared people they selected, and gave examples of the work they did and the risks they took. Our selections included, but were not limited to:

Mohandas Gandhi. We take inspiration from these great lives.Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948), father of modern India, called “Mahatma” or “great soul,” nonviolent advocate

Giordano Bruno. We take inspiration from these great lives.Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), philosopher and heretic, prophet of the Greater Community.

Paul Farmer. We take inspiration from these great lives.Paul Farmer, American physician who is best known for his humanitarian work providing suitable health care to rural and under-resourced areas in developing countries, beginning in Haiti.

Amma, the hugging saint. We take inspiration from these great lives.Mata Amritanandamayi, also known as Amma, the hugging saint. They say she has hugged 34 million people.

Chico Mendes in 1988. We take inspiration from these great lives.Chico Mendes (1944-1988), Brazilian rubber tapper, land rights advocate, and environmentalist. He said “At first I thought I was fighting to save rubber trees, then I thought I was fighting to save the Amazon rainforest. Now I realize I am fighting for humanity.”

Tesla in his lab. We take inspiration from these great lives.Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), Serbian-American scientist, engineer and inventor. Our electrical grid works because of his ideas.

We take inspiration from these great lives. We seek to stand on their shoulders, that we may see further. We seek to follow in their footsteps, that we may give what we yearn to give.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Exploring My Relationship With The Messenger

I am exploring my relationship with the Messenger.

exploring my relationship with the messenger

I am exploring my relationship with the Messenger. He, Marshall Vian Summers, is bringing us the New Message from God. We, the people inspired by this New Message, call him the Messenger.

I have a unique opportunity to explore my relationship with the messenger in the current September/October session of the Free School of the New Message from God. This session invites me to engage in a process of self-inquiry about the New Message and the Messenger. So my exploration goes on.

One of the revelations we are asked to read and study is called “The Origin of the Messenger.” It opens with:

People have no idea what it means to be a Messenger or how Messengers are selected or prepared. They want to worship heroes or deny them altogether.

They want to believe the Messenger is the Message, but the Message is always greater than the Messenger. People will base their whole view and approach on their attitude towards the Messenger, but the Message is always more important.

People cannot live with the Message, so they obsess over the Messenger.

I am happy to say that I do not obsess over the Messenger, nor is he a hero I worship. I do not expect him to do anything for me, I do not think he is responsible for my happiness, nor do I think he is responsible for my reclamation of Knowledge.

What he does for me is show me the way; he provides me with the tools to build a meaningful and purposeful life. I am referring specifically here to Steps to Knowledge, but the entire Revelation provides a wealth of information to explore.

How can he do this?

He says he came into the world carrying a body of information within him. In the Steps to Knowledge Vigil held this year from May 26-June 13, Marshall spoke during the Opening Broadcast beginning at the 1.05 minute mark and likened this to a pregnancy. He said he was indeed pregnant, not only with Steps to Knowledge, but with the whole Revelation. And he was literally waiting to birth it. I find this credible. He underwent the preparation, he was uncertain and unsure at first about his abilities to manage this enormous task, but once it started, once it was underway, he had no choice but to go with it, succumbing to the flow, letting it happen. Any woman who has been through pregnancy and childbirth knows this. Any man who has participated in the pregnancy and birth of his child knows this.

I find greater clarification in “The Story of the Messenger:” 

Before he was sent into the world, the Angelic Host prepared him and placed deep within his mind the awareness and the understanding that he would later bring into the world—Knowledge and Wisdom from the universe, from the most advanced races in the universe; an understanding of the future of the world and where humanity is heading in its evolution and all of the great hazards and risks associated with this; a greater understanding of human relationships that would give him a greater maturity as he would grow up in the world.

These were all placed deep within him, beneath the surface of the mind—later to be discovered, later to emerge and later to resonate with the Revelation itself. For the Revelation would not be foreign to him because of what has been given to him before he came into the world.

Marshall received and continues to receive the revelations of the New Message from Unseen Ones beyond this world. They are also referred to as the Angelic Assembly, the Power and Presence, the Angelic Host. For me these are names that help to put the unfathomable into a frame of human reference. Just as the name God. I find this credible. I believe people living in a physical reality are able to receive information from beyond this world.

I was moved recently when I read an account by Patricia Summers, Marshall’s wife, of Marshall receiving “The Messenger’s Calling” on September 3, 2014. I find this credible. I have no sense when I read this account that this is contrived or false. I feel it to be true.

I have watched many videos with Marshall’s participation. I find him to be a man with a simple, unassuming, natural, and uncontrived way of talking and behaving. I find the things he says touch a deep chord of recognition within me.

The Messenger also sings.

Another woman inspired by the New Message created this word cloud of questions she is keeping close to her about the Messenger. I would like to share it since these are questions I would also like to keep close as I continue exploring my relationship with the Messenger. I invite you to join me.

exploring my relationship with the Messenger

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

A Few People Have Helped Quite A Bit

Ana Burrows in the offices of the Society for the New Message from God. A few people have helped quite a bit

I believe many excellent ideas have failed to catch on in the world, for the lack of an organization to promote those ideas, I believe many unfortunate ideas have taken root and flourished in the world because of the passionate intensity of its supporters. The New Message from God has an organization, The Society for the New Message from God. This society recently celebrated its 21st birthday. The New Message from God has some passionate supporters, who shared a little bit about what they do in this video.

The Step 35 Review in Steps to Knowledge refers to “the Greater Community Way of Knowledge.” When the Society was founded, it was originally called “The Society for the Greater Community Way of Knowledge.” I believe the name was changed to its current name sometime in the 00’s. The Society started out with four people, and has grown to nine members and four core assistants.

A few people have helped quite a bit

What has the Society done over the past twenty years? They have documented and archived the messages received by Marshall Vian Summers over the past 32 years (a daunting task in itself). I seem to recall someone using the phrase “terabytes of audio” at the 2012 Encampment. They have published a number of books, which are in various stages of translation into 18 different languages. They operate a small flotilla of websites, one of which gets a substantial amount of traffic They have produced a number of events and gatherings, such as the now-annual Encampment. They operate an online school where the teachings of the New Message are studied and discussed in detail by roughly 1,300 students from roughly 90 countries.

How much money does it take to do all this? The Society’s expenditures were roughly $380,000 last year. I recall it being something close to that in 2012. This is a delicate subject. On the one hand, the Society doesn’t bombard its constituents with solicitations for money. There is a donation page on the website, but the link to it is buried at the bottom of the front page, quite a bit below the fold. It is my experience that the Society and its members go to significant lengths to avoid the very appearance of covetousness. On the other hand, the Society’s income fell short of its expenditures by about $80,000. Society member Ana Burrows (pictured above), sharing this news in the video, said “We didn’t break even last year, either.” Do the 1,300 students of the online school (like myself) need to step up? Maybe.

Margaret Mead said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Will the New Message catch on in the world? I don’t know. But if it does, I believe the historians will record that the efforts of the Society was one of the reasons. A few people have helped quite a bit.


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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

When Doubt Clouds The Horizon

When Doubt Clouds the Horizon

There will always be times when doubt clouds the horizon and I am not a true student.

I have already posted on my practice regarding Step 19. “Today I Wish To See.” I shared in that post my journal entry for that day, November 20, 2013. I have to admit that I was rather lackadaisical about picking an object to look at. I was thrown off course by having to pick an object that has little meaning for me. The objects on my desk and immediately before me all have some special meaning, so I did not know what to choose. I don’t recall actually choosing anything, I only thought about what might go through my head if I did gaze on some object for 15 minutes. Like it’s going to miraculously turn into something else before my eyes if I look at it long enough. Huh?

Step 20. “I Will Not Let Doubt and Confusion Slow My Progress” asks me to practice the same practice that I attempted the previous day. I don’t think I did as asked on this day either, I have no record of the object I picked to gaze at. Nor was I feeling doubt and confusion, since my journal entry is too flippant, implying that I have this “doubt and confusion” thing nailed.

I wrote: Doubt and confusion are natural every now and again, and I have certainly allowed them to slow my progress in the past. The trick is, however, to recognize them as precisely that – doubt and confusion – which come from somewhere else other than Knowledge. When I see this, I have the strength to go on, always certain that Knowledge is leading me precisely where I need to go.

When doubt clouds the horizon

Recently, however, doubt and confusion have been looming large and ominously in my life. This week I did Step 271 and wrote in my journal and on the Free School Forum about how I was doubting my ability to get with Knowledge. Another student responded by pointing me directly back to Step 20. I was blessed with some clarity and made aware of the empowerment that is inherent in Steps to Knowledge.

I did not give myself truly to my practice the day I did Step 20, I was not a true student, but today, as I move forward in my Steps practice, I am brought around once more to what I failed to grasp that day and given the opportunity to contemplate my doubt and confusion again. I find this ultimately encouraging.

The same student also pointed me to a passage from Wisdom from the Greater Community. Volume 2 Chapter 27: Self-Doubt

“While you have a self that you need to doubt and that you need to understand, you also have a Self that you can learn to trust—completely and wholeheartedly. This Greater Self is the source of certainty, guidance, strength, courage and Wisdom. It is what we call Knowledge. It represents the immortal part of yourself—the part of you that came into the world fully intact and fully prepared to carry out a mission in life. You carry it like a secret cargo. It is within you at this moment. You can doubt its existence. You can doubt its value. You can doubt the depth of its Wisdom and the limits of its strength, but until you know it, you will not understand what it can do or what it is for.

You are not in a position to doubt it.”

At this point, I am recalling Marshall Vian Summers’ words “never doubt what you have always known.”

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Envisioning A Brighter Future

Envisioning A Brighter Future

When envisioning a brighter future, I envision more and more people waking up and embracing the concepts offered in the New Message. I specifically envision more and more people opening up to the greater intelligence that resides within each person.

The current January-February session of the Free School of the New Message from God offers an opportunity to explore a revelation titled The New World and what this means for us today. This revelation of the New World can be very sobering and even shocking, for in essence it is a wakeup call to take action before it is too late. And we have been heading for disaster for quite some time, only people do not want to take heed. Too many people still think they can go on using and abusing nature, spoiling and polluting the environment, taking more than they return, without it having any dire consequences. And physical demise of the planet is only one aspect. The mental, emotional, and spiritual impoverishment of humankind is also glaringly obvious.

However, I am an incurable optimist. I have undying faith in the human race and its ability to pull up its socks and get with it.

I mean, who wouldn’t want to do what it says here in this excerpt from The New World?

It is this time which can be so redeeming, so clarifying, so sobering, bringing people into the present where they can seek more simple pleasures, more natural activities, become more present to one another, more available to one another, more comprehending of what they see around them. It is within this that certain individuals will begin to reclaim a greater intelligence that resides within each person, an intelligence which we call Knowledge, a greater mind unspoiled by the world, unafraid of the world.

Envisioning a brighter future

In envisioning a brighter future, I take great comfort when I come across something like this. I highly recommend listening to all this boy has to say.

If more of our children had this vision and intelligence, my mind would rest at ease, a brighter future for our planet is guaranteed.


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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Marshall Vian Summers Questions and Answers

Marshall Vian Summers answered a number of questions in an online chat session

Marshall Vian Summers conducted a live webcast on Sunday, December 15.  I viewed this webcast.  There were 190 people on the chat room at newmessage.org during the webcast, which is more than I’ve ever seen for a webcast by a significant margin.  I was unclear about the fact that there would be a question and answer session on the YouTube page where the webcast was also aired.

That session lasted roughly an hour.  There were some questions which were answered by Marshall, and those are the ones I’m putting in this post, with commentary.  There were some questions answered by members of the Society for the New Message from God.  There were some questions answered by other students of Steps to Knowledge.  I didn’t answer any questions.  Some questions weren’t answered, but I don’t believe it was due to the nature of the questions.  It was a highly active chat.

The New Message from God One viewer asks “How do you do it?”
The New Message from God Marshall responds: “Thank you for your honest question. I wish I could give a simple answer, except to say that I was born for this and that beyond my being a man in the world…my greater community is beyond” [There are many videos at the New Message from God YouTube page which would be worthy of consideration]

Question: What is your relationship to art?
Answer: Marshall responds: “Art is another vehicle of communication. I love art, if it can communicate something real and important.” [The questioner said “I know you play guitar.”]

Question: When is the great deception coming?
Answer: Marshall responds “The great deception is here, that is why God has spoken again and the New Message is here.” [The person who asked this question also trolled the chat, and eventually left after a number of rebukes. I consider it magnanimous of Marshall to answer his question.]

Question: Will you address where new people should begin taking in your message? Answer: Marshall responds: “begin listening to the voice of revelation which is available to you in abundance…find those revelations that strike you and that meet a deeper need. At some point it will be necessary for you to begin taking the Steps to Knowledge….Become a part of the School of the New Message. There are so many important relationships there.” [I believe Marshall is referring to this page, which contains many different New Message revelations. It’s the page I called “the appetizer sampler.”]

Question: I have completed the steps some time ago, when is the best time to start again? How many times through would be necessary for me?
Answer: Marshall responds: “Start when you are ready and do Steps twice and then you will be ready for the next level, which is Steps Continuation Training.” [I’ve been wondering when I was going to mention that the current protocol is to do Steps to Knowledge twice.  It looks like it’s now.  Steps Continuation Training has 84 steps, and the current protocol is to go through it four times.  Therefore, If a student intends to study Steps to Knowledge to the fullest extent, it could be done in less than three years (two years for two times through Steps to Knowledge, and 11 months for four times through the Steps Continuation Training.  It’s going to take me longer than that.]

Question: My daughter asks if we will be together when we left this world.
Answer: Marshall responds: “For a time.” [The daughter asking this question is 9 years old.  It showed a great awareness and curiosity on her part.]

Question: How often should people do the Steps Continuation Training? Twice over then go back to Steps to Knowledge, or indefinitely until we fully reclaim our relationship with Knowledge?…
Answer: “I [Marshall] have done Continuation Training repeatedly but with large gaps in between. Beyond Steps to Knowledge are the Great Practices of the New Message which are to be practiced in all situations…to the extent that you can. This will build your unique studenthood which has other dimensions to it. However I want you to know, I just completed Steps recently. I always return to Steps…it is ever richer the farther you go.” [I took great comfort in this answer.  If Marshall is doing Steps to Knowledge, that says a great deal to me about its importance. I take great comfort that Marshall is taking the medicine he prescribes to the world.]

Question: “i would like to know if there is another person you are waiting for?”
Answer: Marshall responds…”Many.  Those who are to assist me in my time on Earth have not all arrived yet. They have not all made their rendezvous with me.”

Question: Are most of the students responding to the New Message in these early times ultimately from the same Spiritual Family? [The phrase “in these early times” suggests that the New Message from God is in a very early stage of its progress and impact in the world, just as, for example, Islam was in a very early stage during the lifetime of Mohammed.  Someone reading this is thinking “I say, you have high expectations, don’t you?”  We get that a lot.  Spiritual Families are mentioned in Steps to Knowledge, defined as “your small learning group that have been working together through many ages and circumstances in order to cultivate and advance their members so that your group may join with other groups, and so forth.” (Step 186, “I am born of an ancient heritage”) I hadn’t planned on a question requiring so much unpacking.]
Answer: Marshall responds: “No. This is for all the spiritual families represented here on Earth.” [No claim has been made that I know of as to how many spiritual families are represented here on Earth.]

Question: What is a rendezvous more exactly? Is it a physical meeting with the messenger?”
Marshall responds: “These are people who have a destiny with me.”

Question: “What are we to do about those who crush us with their evil ways and suppress us from being the spiritual beings that we desire to be to follow the ways God wants us to?”
Answer: “If you allow Knowledge to reshape your life, you cannot be suppressed. In this your oppressors can make you strong and determined. But you must forgive them to have this understanding.”

“I’ve noticed from the timeline of the New Message video, that there are unreleased Steps books (level 3 to 5). Can you give some clarification on their content and nature?”
Answer: “They are specific trainings for more advanced students of the Revelation. They require an instructor.” [It’s taking us so long, because we’ve got so far to come.]

How to present the message in totalitarian states or in nations where there is political oppression?
Answer: “In the beginning, the New Message will most likely move in the freer states. However, for those living in oppressed societies, the New Message can still reach them, even through mysterious means.”

Question: Is there a specific order one should read all the NM books? I found the timeline video on youtube helpful.
Answer: “The core proclamation will be released in book form soon. That will be the key book to read first. Until then, read “The Proclamation” and the revelations that have been released to the world.”

Question: Will you say more about being held back? How do I maintain as I care for my elderly mother?
Answer: “Read, study and listen to the revelation while you take care of your elderly mother.”

Question: I am wondering about those of us who are new students – we need to take time to prepare and yet the hour already seems late. How to reconcile?
Answer: Marshall responds…”You have time, but not a lot of time. There is no time to waste in this regard. Necessity will make you strong. Welcome it.”

Question: please, i’d like to k-NOW more about the “3” GRAND ILL-us-i-ON’s (TIME + SPACE + SEPARATION) … can you tell me more about these ?? -)) [This questioner waited very patiently to be answered.  While this questioner was somewhat…unconventional, he or she was unfailingly cheerful and polite.]
Answer: “The grand illusion is that you are separated from God.”

Question: “Marshall, We are consciously here in a physical plane, are we not also existing in a spiritual realm? Are not all of God creations connected?”
Answer: “You are born with two minds. The deeper mind of Knowledge within you represents the part of you that never left God. This is your deeper nature…This is how God of the universe will speak to you if you are prepared. We are living in Creation, and we are also living in the world. This represents the separation that exists within people…which is the dilemma that everyone lives with every day.”


I realize these answers possibly generate more questions.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Отбрасывать Избитые Истины

Отбрасывать избитые истины, Вазузское водохранилище, Россия

For English version click here.

Отбрасывать избитые истины требует, как минимум, мужества, а ещё хоть чуточку желания принимать новые идеи.  Откровение, раскрытое Маршалу Виану Саммерсу в 2009 г. под названием «Новый Бог», как раз предлагает возможность это сделать.

Это откровение начинается со следующими словами:

Есть новое Откровение о Боге, вытесняющее Бога из контекста древней истории человечества, конфликтов, фантазий и неправильного понимания человека. Это Откровение помещает Бога в бóльшую панораму жизни во Вселенной – называемой Великим Сообществом.

Мне вспомнилась книга Тома Роббинса Тощие ноги и не только, которую я прочитала с огромным удовольствием несколько лет назад.

Помню, как некоторые идеи автора нашли у меня большой отклик. Например, он пишет:

«Ранние религии напоминали илистые пруды, в которых плавает листва. В их мутной глубине рыба плескалась себе и кормилась. Со временем, однако, религии уподобились аквариумам. Затем рыбопитомникам. А от малька в рыбопитомнике до замороженной рыбной палочки в холодильнике всего один шаг, вернее, заплыв.

Безусловно, у религии тотчас отыщутся защитники, которые укажут на то, какое утешение она дарит больным, слабым духом, разочаровавшимся в жизни. Что ж, согласимся. Но Всевышний не обязан заниматься одними страждущими, Он спешит отбрасывать избитые истины! (добавление в курсиве мое) И если кто‑то желает узреть лик Божества, он должен разбить стенку аквариума, вырваться на свободу из рыбопитомника, попробовать, преодолевая коварные пороги, плыть против течения, нырять в глубокие фиорды. Нужно исследовать лабиринты рифов, темные, поросшие лилиями заводи. Как это ущербно, как оскорбительно – и для человека, и для самого Бога, – думать о нем как о добром стороже; видеть в нем некоего вечно отсутствующего хозяина рыбопитомника, который держит нас под замком «утешения» тесных искусственных водоемов, куда посредники время от времени сыплют нам тщательно дезинфицированные и прошедшие предварительную обработку хлопья духовной пищи.

Стремление к Божеству заложено в самой природе человека. … Поиск путей к Всевышнему облагораживает наши души и просветляет наши мозги. Возможно, что именно эти две вещи и есть конечная цель нашего бытия».

Отбрасывать избитые истины

Так вот, хотя идея Нового Бога может сбивать с толку, заставлять врасплох, пугать, даже ужасать, когда ты отбросишь избитые истины, то Новый Бог может оказаться как раз тем самим обширным и освобождающим понятием, которое ты когда-либо найдешь.

Оно открывает широкие просторы свободных вод, оно позволяет свободно двигаться и дает безграничные края для изыскания, оно открывает бóльшую панораму жизни, и освобождает от ограничений избитых истин, чтобы получить совершенный новый кругозор жизни.

Я рада сообщить, что я отбросила избитые истины. Я лично ничего нового не вижу в этом откровении о Новом Боге, Он всегда был тем Богом моего понимания, который существовал всегда. Поэтому слова к концу откровения проникли прямо в сердце:

Это Откровение от нового Бога – нового лишь для твоего понимания, ибо на самом деле есть лишь один Бог, и этот Бог древний или новый, но существовавший всегда.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Stepping out of your comfort zone Vazuza Reservoir, Russia

Stepping out of your comfort zone takes courage and a certain amount of willingness to embrace new ideas. And this is precisely what the Free School of the New Message from God is offering in its current November/December session with the opportunity to contemplate The New God, a revelation received by Marshall Vian Summers in 2009.

It begins with:

There is a New Revelation about God, a Revelation that takes God out of the ancient history of humanity, out of the conflicts and the fantasies and the misunderstandings of humanity. This Revelation takes God into the larger panorama of life in the universe called the Greater Community.

This brought to mind a book by Tom Robbins called Skinny Legs and All that I read a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed.

I recall finding particular affiliation with some of the author’s ideas. For instance, he writes:

“Of course, religion’s omnipresent defenders are swift to point out the comfort it provides for the sick, the weary, and the disappointed. Yes, true enough. But the Deity does not dawdle in the comfort zone! If one yearns to see the face of the Divine, one must break out of the aquarium, escape the fish farm, to go swim up wild cataracts, dive in deep fjords. One must explore the labyrinth of the reef, the shadows of lily pads.

“A longing for the Divine is intrinsic in Homo sapiens. … We approach the Divine by enlarging our souls and lighting up our brains. To expedite those two things may be the mission of our existence.”

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

This resonated with me. So what I am trying to point out here is that while the idea of a New God may seem baffling, even outrageous and frightening to some, when contemplated from a vantage point out of your comfort zone, it just may be the most expansive and freeing concept you will find.

It opens up wide vistas of clear water, it provides free movement and vast expanses for exploration, it reveals a larger panorama of life, and it allows escape from the restrictions of the comfort zone to embrace a whole new perspective on life.

I am happy to tell you that I have stepped out of my comfort zone. I personally find nothing new in this New God at all, it is the God I always knew was there, the God that has always been. So the words toward the end of the revelation spoke straight to my heart:

This has come from the new God—new only to your understanding, for there is only one God and that God is neither new nor old, but has always been.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Свободомыслящие Люди в Авангарде Человечества

Свободомыслящие Люди

For English version click here.

Куда идут свободомыслящие люди, которые избавились от старых стереотипов и готовы обнять более широкое восприятие своего источника и существования в этом мире?

В просторах всемирной паутины есть уголочка с заманчивым названием «Бесплатная Школа Нового Послания от Бога». Да, так и есть. Могу поручиться потому, что я сама являюсь посетительницей этой школы в течение уже года. Школа сама как паутина. Она протягивает нитки во всех направлениях света, по всем точкам планеты, и соединяет людей в общем полезном занятии—стремление к тому, чтобы познать и восстановить Знание внутри себя. Знание, которое уходит в глубь разума каждого человека и представляет собой истинную сущность человечества. Громкие слова!

Тем не менее, эта школа, это послание, привлекает всё большее количество людей. Задействована в марте 2012, на сегодняшний день в школе насчитается 1109 студентов, в том числе, 591 в 50 штатах США и 518 в 83 других страны. За подробности, посмотрите сюда на английском языке. И число продолжается расти!

Так вот, кто такой студент этой загадочной школы? И что его привлекает? Почему она тянет одного человека, пока другой проходит мимо? Одни проходят мимо потому, что не замечают, они смотрят в другую сторону или вообще ходят с закрытыми глазами. Другие замечают, но не подходят, что-то их тревожит, пугает, отталкивает, ужасает. Третьи подходят, даже переступают порог, заглядывают внутрь, но сразу засомневаются и уходят. А четвертые входят и остаются. Чем они отличаются? Ни высоким интеллектом, ни гениальными способностями, ни специальными навыками в какой-то области, ни выдающими возможностями. Тогда чем же? Кто они? Что их привлекает и почему они остаются?

Нет у меня готового ответа. У меня только смутное подозрение, что они просто свободомыслящие люди, которые избавились от старых стереотипов и готовы обнять более широкое восприятие своего существования в этом мире. Они отличаются тем, что они все пришли к осознанию, что они не являются пупом земли, что их жизнь не о них самих, о своих личных переживаниях, а о том, как они могут служить и служить, исходя от более глубокого источника внутри себя. А осознав это, они пришли сюда с общем стремлением познать Знание и выполнить их маленькое, но определенное предназначение в этом мире.


Осмеливаюсь добавить, что, по моему скромному мнению, люди Нового Послания являются самими продвинутыми людьми сегодня на планете.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Students Of The New Message From God

New Message from God students

We talk a lot at Mystery of Ascension about being a student of the New Message from God, part of which is the Steps to Knowledge.

I have been a student at the Free School of the New Message from God for exactly a year now and have to say that if all schools provided their students with such a radiant atmosphere so conducive to learning, the world might be a very different place.

So what is the Free School and who is a student of the New Message?

I will start with some facts and figures.

After being launched in March 2012, The Free School now has 1109 students: 591 students in 50 US states and 518 students in 83 other countries. You can find out more here.

The Free School is not a physical place, but a gathering in cyperspace consisting of a myriad lights scattered all over the globe, with their focal point in Boulder, Colorado. And its students are of all ages, backgrounds, nationalities, creed, and color.

Which brings me to my second question: who is a student of the New Message?

I have pondered this for a while—what does it take for one person to be drawn to this school and another to pass it by? Some may pass it by because they do not even see it, they are looking the other way, or their eyes are still closed. Others see it but come no closer, feeling disturbed, appalled, scared, or repelled. Still others may get as far as door, even step inside, but immediately be filled with doubt and walk away. Then there are the ones who come and stay.

What makes them different? Not a high IQ, not some outstanding talent or ability in a specific field, not any signs of genius, not the possession of some special skill or acumen.  So who are they? What draws them and what makes them stay?

I don’t have a ready answer. I only have the sneaking suspicion that all who attend the Free School have come to the realization that life is not all about themselves, about their personal ambitions, desires and pursuit of happiness, rather they are here to serve and serve from some deeper place within them. And having understood this, they all come with a common passion to receive Knowledge and make their small but specific contribution to this world.

I think I will even go as far as to say that the students of the New Message from God are among those spearheading the planet today.


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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.