Наводнение – всемирное бедствие?

See English version here.

Наводнение – всемирное бедствие?

Может это пока не всемирного потопа, но последние наводнения, причем во многих местах Земного шара одновременно, наводят на мысли о том, что одно из предсказаний Нового Послания о Больших Волнах Перемен уже сбывается (книгу можно скачать бесплатно на английском тут).

В своей книги, Маршал Виан Саммерс излагает меры, которые могут быть предприняты, чтобы ориентироваться в наши все более бурные и неуверенные времена. Перед лицом такой неуверенности Саммерс представляет революционно новый способ понимания — уникальный процесс, который может быть применен людьми всюду. Понимая Большие Волны и соединяясь с более глубокой внутренней силой, мы можем найти опору, храбрость и внутреннюю уверенность приспособиться и оказать содействие, вместо того, чтобы стать жертвой, в условиях быстро изменяющегося мира.


Мне хотелось бы думать, что это именно та более глубокая внутренняя сила, которая толкает нас соединиться и протянуть руку помощи во время беды. Но неужели только во времени бедствия люди склонены оказать помощь и предпринять какие-то конкретные шаги? Мне хотелось бы думать, что такие всемирные бедствии, как недавние наводнения пробудят людей к осознанию о том, что Большие Волны Перемен, как они излагаются в книги Саммерса, не являются какими-то гипотетическими событиями, которые могут, или могут и нет, случиться когда-нибудь в далеким будущем, а уже сбываются сегодня. Мне хотелось бы думать, что люди уже сегодня начнут действовать, а не ждать пока вода хлынет к ним в собственный дом.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Flooding: A Worldwide Scourge?

Talking of floods, they appear to be a worldwide scourge this year.

Flooding in the  Khabarovsk Region, Russian Far East A woman sits on the roof of her flooded dwelling outside Komosomolsk-on-Amur in Russia’s far eastern Khabarovsk region, September 7, 2013. (Reuters/Vladimir Barsukov)

The Far East of Russia also suffered intensive record flooding in August and September of this year.

Here is a map showing where most of the flooding took place (red area) and an arrow pointing to the town mentioned in the photo and the report above.



This NASA satellite image, taken on August 17, 2012, shows where the waters of the Amur River should be in late summer:

Amur River, Russian Far East

Here’s where things stood on September 8, 2013:

Flooding of the Amur River in Russian Far East

The level of the Amur River in the flood area reaches a historic high, says the caption to this clip.

A nationwide campaign was launched this past Sunday (October 6) to raise money to help rebuild Russia’s flood-hit Far East.

In The Great Waves of Change, Marshall Vian Summers explains the steps you can take to navigate our increasingly turbulent and uncertain times. In the face of such uncertainty, he presents a revolutionary new way of knowing—a unique process that can be applied by people everywhere. By understanding the Great Waves and by connecting to a deeper authority within, you can find the strength, courage and inner certainty to adapt and to become a contributor, not a victim, to a rapidly changing world.

I like to think that it is this deeper authority within us that motivates people to rally together and extend a helping hand at times of disaster. But must it always take some calamity of unprecedented proportions to prompt people to take action? I would like to think that worldwide scourges like the recent floods will awaken people to the fact that the Great Waves of Change, as detailed in Marshall Vian Summers’ book, are not something that might possibly happen at some hypothetical point in the future, but are already happening today. I would like to think that this will stir people into action now, instead of waiting until the water comes tumbling through their own back door.


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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

The Boulder Flood Wasn’t Just Another Flood For Us

The devastating flooding in the Boulder, Colorado area was much more than just another flood for the New Message from God community.

First, a person could stand at the front door of the offices of the New Message from God, and throw a stone into Four-Mile Creek.  On normal days, Four-Mile Creek is a tiny trickle.  But during the Boulder flooding, Four-Mile Creek was a raging, twenty-feet-by-eight-feet torrent.

Everyone in the Boulder New Message community is accounted for, although I’ve heard some reports of property damage.  Everything in the offices were moved to two feet off the floor, but Four-Mile Creek didn’t overflow its banks in the area of the offices.

Second, the Boulder floods didn’t happen at just any time, but shortly after the time of the 2013 Encampment, the annual global New Message gathering. Some attendees were just leaving Boulder as the flooding started.

It is the general opinion in the New Message community that the Boulder flooding was not just another catastrophic flood, but part of a series of events including the recent 500-year flooding in Europe, the 2011 Japanese tsunami, and the Queensland, Australia flooding of 2010-2011.  The New Message from God includes a prediction, a prophecy, that humanity will face a number of wrenching adjustments, including climatic disruptions, in its present and future developments.  These adjustments are described in greater detail in the book The Great Waves of Change (downloadable for free at the link; go ahead, I’ll wait)

The 2013 Boulder flooding wasn’t just another 100-year flood for the New Message from God community.  It was a time where we were confronted by our message’s prophecy.  We will remember the 2013 Boulder flooding as the time the Great Waves of Change came (almost literally) to our front door.


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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.