Something Bids Me Speak In The Voice Of Prophecy

frenchindian-war_monongahela-web Something bids me speak in the voice of prophecyGeorge Washington might have told you that July 9, 1755 was a day of great disaster. In what is now known as the Battle of the Monongahela, 500 of the force of 1,300 were killed, and 400 were wounded. Colonel George Washington was a junior officer in this battle, and his actions may have prevented a even worse massacre. His account of that day is as follows:

“But by the All-Powerful Dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me!”

Something bids me speak in the voice of prophecy

Fifteen years later, Washington would meet Red Hawk, a chief of one of the tribes which fought against Washington at the Monongahela. Red Hawk marveled at “the All-Powerful Dispensations of Providence,” and prophesied:

“I am old and soon shall be gathered to the great council fire of my fathers in the land of shades, but ere I go, there is something bids me speak in the voice of prophecy: Listen! The Great Spirit protects that man and guides his destinies – he will become the chief of nations, and a people yet unborn will hail him as the founder of a mighty empire. I am come to pay homage to the man who is the particular favorite of Heaven, and who can never die in battle.”

Something bids me speak in the voice of prophecy. In 1770, it was certainly not clear that these words would come to pass. And yet, they did. Why am I sharing this with you? I am sharing this with you because as part of the 2016 Messenger’s Vigil of the New Message from God, I wrote something to Marshall Vian Summers. Alisa has written a detailed account of the 2016 Messenger’s Vigil. It has been my custom to write something each year at the time of the Messenger’s Vigil. But this is the first time I have shared it with the public. Among other things, I wrote this:

“Dear Vian, and I address you as Vian because something bids me speak in the voice of prophesy. Just as no one now refers to the Buddha as Siddhartha Gautama, just as no one refers to the Jesus as Yeshua ben Yosef, just as no one refers to the Mohammed as Muḥammad ibn `Abd Allāh, the time will come when those who speak of you will call you the Vian, the Messenger, the Greater Community Messenger. The time will come when the history books teach ‘The Vian was originally known as Marshall Summers.'”

Something bids me speak in the voice of prophecy. “Vian” is a word meaning “Messenger” in an ancient language used by the source of the messages Marshall has received. I declare that he will be called the Greater Community Messenger as he is the first messenger to speak of humanity’s emergence into a greater community of intelligent life. There are many New Message revelations that claim the voice speaking through Marshall is the same voice which spoke to the Buddha, the Jesus and the Mohammed. I do not understand the significance of this construction at this point. All I know is the time will come when people will think of God’s messengers and think, “Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Vian…”

Something bids me speak in the voice of prophecy. Dispute if you will. Mock if you will. All I know is that people most likely disputed and mocked Red Hawk’s prophecy in 1770. I doubt that even George Washington grasped the full significance of the words of Red Hawk. I expect and anticipate your skepticism. But your skepticism does not dissuade me, for something bids me speak in the voice of prophecy.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

1 thought on “Something Bids Me Speak In The Voice Of Prophecy

  1. I appreciate your courage to speak even when faced with the knowledge that others may ignore you. I also appreciate your willingness to respond, as you did to me, when others did not.

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