Show me what I must do to find my way are words from the prayer Marshall Vian Summers shares with us as the Worldwide Community of Steps Students continues to commemorate the 20-day period in 1989 when the Messenger of the New Message from God received the sacred text “The Steps to Knowledge: The Book of Inner Knowing.”
I introduced this annual event in the life of the New Message from God community here. The 2015 Steps Vigil will conclude this evening with its final broadcast at 6 pm Mountain Daylight Time in Boulder, Colorado. However, I would like to take this opportunity, prompted by Knowledge, the deeper intelligence within me, to share some more of the highlights for me of this year’s Steps Vigil.
You can find a list of the daily broadcasts of the 2015 Vigil with a link to the YouTube video here.
Show me what I must do to find my way
On Day 10 of the 2015 Steps Vigil hosted by Brian, Marshall spoke some words that sounded a bell of recognition within me and were indeed very helpful. At the 47.35 mark, he says:
“I want to share something with you tonight that could be very helpful, because Knowledge is a mysterious thing. And, on the other hand, it is the simplest thing in the world.
“When people begin the practice of Steps, they are told that they really know things and that Knowledge is what they really know. But you find out that Knowledge knows and you don’t. In fact, the more you come into the proximity of Knowledge and experience it, the more you see how much you really don’t know. And how much belief is used to fortify oneself: assumptions, admonitions against others to take the place and to escape the sense that you don’t know. But not knowing and accepting that is what makes you open to Knowledge, that humility. So after a while you don’t have to keep asking questions of Knowledge, knowing that it knows exactly where you are, how far you’ve come, how far you have to go. And instead of a question, there is a prayer. And the prayer is, ‘Show me what I must do to find my way. Challenge me. Show me what I must do to find my way.’
“Because to ask ‘What is my purpose?’ cannot be answered with an answer, it really is a journey to take, and a great one at that. So it is whether you can take that journey that is the question. To take that journey you must let Knowledge do its work, and carry out what it gives you to do that you already know to do.
“And keep praying for the strength, the honesty and the humility to do those things. Knowledge knows that you are not ready to carry the responsibility of a greater purpose. So it is really about getting you ready.”
Show me what I must do to find my way. This has been my experience, the experience of seeing how much I really don’t know as I come into the proximity of Knowledge, as well as the humility of realizing I do not know and accepting this. This truly does open the door to Knowledge.
So now I say with ever deeper sincerity and humility: “Show me what I must do to find my way.”
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