No, I’m not ready to let it go. My self-criticism of my investment of time and emotion in watching and following NFL football is not yet complete.
My father, Frank M. Bass, Jr., was particularly proud of this picture. The four stripes on the sleeve showed that he lettered in football in each of his four years at Cuero High School in south Texas. The star on the sleeve denotes his being the captain of the football team. We watched many Purdue University football games together. While I did not follow in his footsteps, I give him credit for not being bothered about it. So watching a football game is a little love note to my father, who died in 2006.
I’ve been pondering about Step 33 of Steps to Knowledge, “I have a mission in my life to fulfill.” I believe that people in general, and Americans in particular, have a certain discomfort in considering this idea. The discomfort comes from thinking that if I have a mission in my life to fulfill, then it follows that I can’t just do whatever I want. I have to evaluate my activities and involvements in the light of that mission, however dimly I grasp it.
Who knows, maybe the real love note I could give to my father would be to fulfill my mission in life.
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