Some of the teachings of Steps to Knowledge challenge the habits of a lifetime. Steps to Knowledge seems to recognize this, and repeats certain teachings from different angles from time to time. Step 60, “I will not judge the world today” is an instance of this. The idea of observing without judgment was introduced in Step 29, “I will observe myself today to learn of Knowledge.” Where does judgment come from? Reality is weighed against our ideals and found wanting. Therefore, to escape judgment, I need to become less invested in my ideals. This is the idea behind Step 55, “I will accept the world as it is.”
Judge not the world
I do not consider this to be a novel teaching.
I consider this teaching to follow from the teaching of Jesus, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” (Matthew 7:1, New International Version)
I consider this teaching to be a confirmation of the words of Mother Teresa (“Blessed Teresa of Kolkata” to you), “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” In my mind, putting Matthew 7:1 and the words of Mother Teresa together yields “Love, and you too will be loved.”
I consider this teaching to confirm the teaching of Lesson 352 of the Workbook for Students in A Course in Miracles, “Judgment and love are opposites. From one come all the sorrows of the world. But from the other comes the peace of God Himself.”
When someone tells a lie, they have to go to substantial efforts to keep the rest of their testimony consistent with that lie. When someone judges someone else, it is a certainty that someone else will have the opposite judgment. It therefore follows that people go to substantial efforts to justify their own judgments. I know, for I have made these substantial efforts. I had to find out the hard way that it wasn’t worth it.
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This is one of my favorite quotes from a Step to come:
“There is not one person in the world who cannot give you something beneficial if you will not judge them. There is not one person in the world who, through their accomplishments or their errors, cannot confirm the importance of Knowledge and cannot demonstrate its need in the world. Thus it is that those whom you love and those whom you despise all offer gifts to you of equal value.”
– Step 324