I Sing The Waterman Of India

Rajendra Singh, winner of the 2015 Stockholm Water Prize. I sing the Waterman of India.

In the New Message from God revelation, “The Race to Save Human Civilization,” there is a sentence describing the actions of man or woman of Knowledge in difficult times.

Here the man or woman of Knowledge is not insisting on solutions, but instead watching and encouraging positive behavior, positive awareness and positive actions.

I consider myself a candidate for the position of “man of Knowledge.” I consider myself a candidate for the position of “man of the deeper intelligence the Creator of all life has placed within each person.” Therefore, I am taking an opportunity to encourage positive behavior, positive awareness and positive actions.

I sing the Waterman of India

First, I discovered this week that the Stockholm Water Prize for 2015 was awarded to Rajendra Singh of India. I was not aware that the Stockholm Water Prize even existed until this week. The prize has been awarded each year for the past 25 years. The prize honors individuals, organizations and institutions whose work contributes to the conservation and protection of water resources. A more tangible token of appreciation of $150,000 is also given to the recipient. I consider the very existence of the Stockholm Water Prize to be a positive development.

I sing the Waterman of India. Who is Rajendra Singh? I understand that earlier in life, he was an Ayurvedic doctor, but the place in which he was practicing was more in need of clean water than of health care. He became a water conservation activist in the early 1980’s. He revived the ancient idea of rainwater harvesting to replenish ground water in the state of Rajasthan. (How big is Rajasthan? It’s larger than the state of New Mexico, and smaller than the state of Montana. Roughly 70 million people live in Rajasthan. Therefore this is a great accomplishment.)

I sing the Waterman of India. How did he do it? The harvesting took place through a series of many small earthen dams. This idea had fallen out of practice during the days of British rule. Rajendra Singh has come to be known as “the waterman of India.” I therefore consider the awarding of the Stockholm Water Prize to Rajendra Singh to be the recognition of a lifetime of achievement.

I sing the Waterman of India. The New Message from God teaches, “There must be many strong contributors in the world now, or humanity faces a great and precipitous decline.” I consider Rajendra Singh to be a strong contributor. I am honored by the strength of Rajendra Singh.

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