How Do We Handle A Hundred Harveys?

Houston on August 28, 2017. How do we handle a hundred Harveys?

Many have reported the enormous damage of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose and Maria. The New Message from God frames these events in the context of what it calls the Great Waves of Change. What are the Great Waves of Change? A series of big, ongoing disruptions in the near and not-so-near future.

How do we handle a hundred Harveys?

Why do I even think that we have to handle a hundred Harveys? Climate scientists such as Sean Sublette and Adam Sobel and Gerry Bell study hurricanes. They suggest that rising sea levels and warming oceans cause hurricanes to be stronger. They might be right. The New Message from God has a teaching called “The Great Warning,” which goes along with the predictions of some scientists. This is a portion of that teaching.

For you [humanity] have changed the chemistry of the atmosphere so sufficiently that the planet will become hotter and the waters will rise. The oceans will rise and they will continue to rise, consuming everything in their wake. Great droughts and storms will lash upon the world as they are beginning to do now.

How do we handle a hundred Harveys? We have to prepare. And by “We” I mean “you and me.” When seconds count, the police are only minutes away. When minutes count, the National Guard is only hours away. When hours count, the government is only days away. There are some small, but eminently practical things an ordinary person can do, such as not freaking out, speaking clearly and calmly to the emergency operator, staying safe, moving an injured person to safety if possible, stopping the bleeding, putting the injured in a safe position, and providing comfort.

How do we handle a hundred Harveys? We have to prepare. And by “We” I mean “our businesses.” There is one particular business I wish to commend.
Waffle House. How do we handle a hundred Harveys?Waffle House restaurants have acquired a reputation for resiliency in the face of natural disasters. Waffle House started in 1955, and a majority of their 2,100 franchises are in the southern United States. Did they recognize that staying open during a disaster was a service to the community? Did they recognize that staying open during a disaster was profitable? I don’t know. All I know at this point is a great deal of pre-disaster planning and preparation has already been done:

Hurricane preparation for many can be a scramble, but for Waffle House, it’s a game of chess with military-style strategy and execution. Before a storm hits, and even before hurricane season, the company makes storm checklists for each location, meets with local authorities, and educates new employees, though many have been through 15 hurricanes.

How do we handle a hundred Harveys? Was their preparation effective? These pictures were taken in the Houston area some time on August 28, 2017:

Houston on August 28 2017. How do we handle a hundred Harveys?Houston on August 28, 2017. How do we handle a hundred Harveys?

But it was reported that each and every Waffle House restaurant in the metro Houston area was open on this day. One lesson to be learned from this is that part of successfully navigating the difficult times ahead involves preparation, not only for you, but for other people.

How do we handle a hundred Harveys? I realize all these words about climate science and disaster preparedness and logistics may seem quite…un-spiritual. But what if we came to the world to serve the world, instead of avoiding the world or escaping the world? What if your preparation ends up saving a life?

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