I am exploring my relationship with the Messenger.
I am exploring my relationship with the Messenger. He, Marshall Vian Summers, is bringing us the New Message from God. We, the people inspired by this New Message, call him the Messenger.
I have a unique opportunity to explore my relationship with the messenger in the current September/October session of the Free School of the New Message from God. This session invites me to engage in a process of self-inquiry about the New Message and the Messenger. So my exploration goes on.
One of the revelations we are asked to read and study is called “The Origin of the Messenger.” It opens with:
People have no idea what it means to be a Messenger or how Messengers are selected or prepared. They want to worship heroes or deny them altogether.
They want to believe the Messenger is the Message, but the Message is always greater than the Messenger. People will base their whole view and approach on their attitude towards the Messenger, but the Message is always more important.
People cannot live with the Message, so they obsess over the Messenger.
I am happy to say that I do not obsess over the Messenger, nor is he a hero I worship. I do not expect him to do anything for me, I do not think he is responsible for my happiness, nor do I think he is responsible for my reclamation of Knowledge.
What he does for me is show me the way; he provides me with the tools to build a meaningful and purposeful life. I am referring specifically here to Steps to Knowledge, but the entire Revelation provides a wealth of information to explore.
How can he do this?
He says he came into the world carrying a body of information within him. In the Steps to Knowledge Vigil held this year from May 26-June 13, Marshall spoke during the Opening Broadcast beginning at the 1.05 minute mark and likened this to a pregnancy. He said he was indeed pregnant, not only with Steps to Knowledge, but with the whole Revelation. And he was literally waiting to birth it. I find this credible. He underwent the preparation, he was uncertain and unsure at first about his abilities to manage this enormous task, but once it started, once it was underway, he had no choice but to go with it, succumbing to the flow, letting it happen. Any woman who has been through pregnancy and childbirth knows this. Any man who has participated in the pregnancy and birth of his child knows this.
I find greater clarification in “The Story of the Messenger:”
Before he was sent into the world, the Angelic Host prepared him and placed deep within his mind the awareness and the understanding that he would later bring into the world—Knowledge and Wisdom from the universe, from the most advanced races in the universe; an understanding of the future of the world and where humanity is heading in its evolution and all of the great hazards and risks associated with this; a greater understanding of human relationships that would give him a greater maturity as he would grow up in the world.
These were all placed deep within him, beneath the surface of the mind—later to be discovered, later to emerge and later to resonate with the Revelation itself. For the Revelation would not be foreign to him because of what has been given to him before he came into the world.
Marshall received and continues to receive the revelations of the New Message from Unseen Ones beyond this world. They are also referred to as the Angelic Assembly, the Power and Presence, the Angelic Host. For me these are names that help to put the unfathomable into a frame of human reference. Just as the name God. I find this credible. I believe people living in a physical reality are able to receive information from beyond this world.
I was moved recently when I read an account by Patricia Summers, Marshall’s wife, of Marshall receiving “The Messenger’s Calling” on September 3, 2014. I find this credible. I have no sense when I read this account that this is contrived or false. I feel it to be true.
I have watched many videos with Marshall’s participation. I find him to be a man with a simple, unassuming, natural, and uncontrived way of talking and behaving. I find the things he says touch a deep chord of recognition within me.
The Messenger also sings.
Another woman inspired by the New Message created this word cloud of questions she is keeping close to her about the Messenger. I would like to share it since these are questions I would also like to keep close as I continue exploring my relationship with the Messenger. I invite you to join me.
Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.
Thank you for sharing your feelings about Marshall. He is a humble, brave, courageous man, an inspiration to live a life of contribution. What challenges he has had to face and endure in his lifetime. Such a heavy load he’s had to carry for so long alone, but now he has a growing group of dedicated students to support him. We can share that load with him. He needs many to help him bring the New Message into the world.