The revelation “God’s Plan for the World,” a small portion of the New Message from God, was made public on June 20. Marshall Vian Summers received this revelation on March 26, 2011 in Boulder, Colorado. There are 800 of these revelations, of which 400 have been made public. The Society for the New Message from God is releasing a new revelation to the public every two weeks. Therefore, at this rate, the entire New Message from God will be available to the public in slightly over fifteen years. This revelation will appear in the forthcoming book “The Time of Revelation.“
Did you imagine this eleven years ago?

This revelation made certain predictions about the future. I mention the date that this revelation was received so that you could examine it in that context. You can see how well the predictions made in this revelation hold up. This revelation put it’s predictions on display by repeatedly using the word “Increasingly.”
Increasingly, you will see that one nation alone cannot be successful if others fail.
Increasingly, you will see that one religion alone cannot meet and speak to the needs of humanity.
Increasingly, you will see that crisis in one nation will affect the well-being and the prosperity of other nations.
Increasingly, you will see that the environment is disrupted and that violent weather and the changing of the world’s climate will have an increasingly destructive effect upon humanity’s ability to feed and care for itself.
Increasingly, you will see discord and financial instability and corruption arising in the corridors of power.
Increasingly, you will see the consequences of human irresponsibility.
Increasingly, you will see that war cannot be an option, for it destroys the infrastructure and the resources, which will be so difficult to replace in the future.
Increasingly, you will see that people need the same things and that the world is limited in what it can provide.
Increasingly, you will see the limits of technology and what happens when technology fails and how that affects the lives of so many people.
Increasingly, you will see that it must be human courage, human determination and human cooperation that will make all the difference in the end.
Did you imagine this eleven years ago? I did not. I read the book “The Great Waves of Change” 12 years ago. It spoke of how we face an increasingly difficult world. I thought its predictions of climate disruption, resource depletion, and increasing political instability were something for the more distant future. I was mistaken. All I know is that I must cultivate my ability to follow Knowledge, the deeper spiritual intelligence that God has placed in every person. All I know is that I must be noble and strong, inspired and determined. All I know is that I must do whatever I can to help others be noble and strong, inspired and determined.
Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.