My People Are Reckless Blabbermouths

Plaque from Voyager 1. My people are reckless blabbermouths.

The prophet Isaiah experienced a powerful vision of God in chapter 6 of the book of Isaiah. His response to this vision?

“Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.” (Isaiah 6:5, New International Version)

My people are reckless blabbermouths

I consider Isaiah to be referring to the kingdom of Judah when he spoke of “a people of unclean lips.” I am conducting an experiment. I am keeping track of how it feels when I refer to humanity as “my people.” My people might be a people of unclean lips. My people are indisputably a people of overactive lips.

My people are reckless blabbermouths. We speak when we should be silent. We are silent when we should speak. Our speech is not informed by Knowledge, the deeper spiritual intelligence that God has placed within each person. This is how my people are a people of unclean lips. But this is not particularly newsworthy. Neither is it my primary complaint.

My people are reckless blabbermouths. My primary complaint is that my people broadcast a great deal of information about themselves into space. Radio, television, internet, it all goes out into space when it is sent to a satellite. My people send probes into interstellar space announcing ourselves. We have gone so far as beam messages into space in an attempt to contact extraterrestrial life. We act as if there will be no negative consequence to this. We act as if there could not possibly be any negative consequences to this.

My people are reckless blabbermouths. The New Message from God considers all of the above behavior to be both foolish and dangerous. Consider this paragraph from the book Life in the Universe:

“The wise remain hidden. Your world is known to a few, but not to many. You do not want to broadcast into the universe who you are and what you have. In the future, your radio technology will have to be completely changed. You cannot be broadcasting out into space. That only invites inquiry, interest and suspicion. Right now you think that there is no one else out there, that the universe is vast and empty and that there might be some distant planet somewhere that could receive your transmissions. If you understood the situation, you would see how dangerous and unwarranted this is.”

My people are reckless blabbermouths. My only consolation is that some of my people are starting to recognize the folly and danger of this. As evidence, I offer this quote from a review of the science-fiction novel “The Dark Forest” (黑暗森林) by Liu Cixin:

“At the end of the second volume [The Dark Forest is the second volume of a three-volume set], one of the main characters lays out the trilogy’s animating philosophy. No civilization should ever announce its presence to the cosmos, he says. Any other civilization that learns of its existence will perceive it as a threat to expand—as all civilizations do, eliminating their competitors until they encounter one with superior technology and are themselves eliminated. This grim cosmic outlook is called “dark-forest theory,” because it conceives of every civilization in the universe as a hunter hiding in a moonless woodland, listening for the first rustlings of a rival.”

My people are reckless blabbermouths. We will have to fix that to function successfully in a greater community of intelligent life.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Смирение: раскрытие души для реальности

Смирение: раскрытие души для реальности
Смирение: раскрытие души для реальности

Шаг 34. Я – начинающий ученик Знания.

Ты – начинающий ученик Знания. Вне зависимости от того, насколько интуитивным, умственно одарённым, эмоционально честным и успешным ты себя считаешь, несмотря на твоё осознанное продвижение, ты всё равно лишь начинающий ученик Знания. Радуйся, что это так, ибо начинающие ученики способны научиться всему и не нуждаются в защите собственных достижений. Мы не пренебрегаем твоими достижениями, а лишь желаем пролить свет на величие внутри тебя, которое ждёт своего раскрытия, величие, которое подарит тебе истинное равноправие в жизни и, со временем, раскроет твое конкретное предназначение в мире.

Во время твоих двух практических занятий начни с осознания, что ты начинающий ученик Знания, и с напоминания не делать предварительных заключений ни об этой программе подготовки, ни о твоих собственных способностях как ученика. Подобные заключения преждевременны и редко отражают истину. Как правило, они отбивают охоту продолжать и поэтому никак тебе не служат.

После заявления себе сегодняшней идеи и напоминания себе не осуждать, практикуй внутреннее безмолвие в течение 15-ти минут во время двух занятий. Попытайся ощутить истину внутри себя. Сконцентрируй своё внимание на одной точке, либо физической, либо воображаемой, если на то есть необходимость. Пусть всё успокоится внутри тебя. Позволь себе стать как можно тише и не сдавайся, если возникнут сложности. Ты начинающий ученик Знания и поэтому, ты можешь научиться всему.

Практика 34: два практических занятия по 15 минут каждое.

Разъяснительное замечание–перевод Шагов к Знанию на русский язык находится на начальной стадии. Тот перевод, который вы тут читайте, является первой попыткой передавать смысл Шагов на русском языке.

Смирение: раскрытие души для реальности

Я часто размышляю над значением слова “смирение”. Время от времени моя гордыня выходит на первый план. В таких случаях, следует думать снова о смирении.

Философ Николай Бердяев говорит: «Смирение есть раскрытие души для реальности…” Я это понимаю, как умение смотреть на себя объективно, без завышенной или заниженной самооценки. Это умение принять себя, таким как ты и есть.

Бердяев также говорит: “Смирение есть глубоко внутреннее, сокровенное явление.” Мне такое понятие о смирении также близко и совпадает с моим пониманием об этим явлении.

Я принимаю тот факт, что несмотря на сколько лет я занимаюсь Шагами к Знанию, я всё же являюсь начинающей ученицей.

Скачайте бесплатно “Шаги к Знанию” полностью тут.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Take Your Meditation Medicine, Please

A person doesn’t have to be particularly clever to notice that there are quite a few meditation techniques available. Furthermore, from time to time, a particular meditation technique catches on with the general public. For example, the visit by the Beatles to Rishikesh in Uttarakhand State in India sparked an interest in Transcendental Meditation. These days various forms of mindfulness meditation seem to be popular. I consider these various techniques to be remedies, as it were, for various forms and amounts of mental chaos and suffering.

Take your meditation medicine, please

A meditation practice taught by the New Message from God is called stillness. I have found it most helpful in reducing the amount of attachment I have to my preferences and anxieties. I wrote a post about four years ago about my practice of stillness. Some general guidelines seem to be important for the effectiveness of any meditation practice.

Take your meditation medicine, please. I consider it helpful to meditate in a quiet place that isn’t too bright and isn’t too dark. I prefer a place where random changes in light or sound are unlikely. Meditating in the same time and place each day helps the mind and body get used to the idea. I try not to digest and meditate at the same time.

Take your meditation medicine, please. Some things are meditation-killers for some people. For me, it’s television. If I watch a television program with car chases and explosions before meditation, my mental sky will be full of car chases and explosions. If I watch a calm program with people talking, my meditation will be preoccupied with how those people are going to solve their problems. I have to avoid sabotaging my practice by something before the meditation session. I have to talk to my mind and tell it I’m doing something a little different for a while.

Take your meditation medicine, please. I have to be willing to receive the benefits that my meditation practice offers. Someone is reading this and thinking “Isn’t that obvious?” I believe you would be surprised to discover how much self-hatred lurks beneath the surface of most people. Many people weigh themselves in the balance of their ideals, and find themselves wanting. At some point, it is necessary to say “I am worthy of my practice and its results.”

Take your meditation medicine, please. If I take it back far enough, I discover that I wish to practice meditation in order to be a better person in some way. If I take that back far enough, I discover that I wish to become better in order to bless someone else in some way. Even meditation is a group effort.

Take your meditation medicine, please. I may not, probably won’t, get the results of my meditation practice right away. It may take a little while to blaze a trail, to discover the pathway. Therefore, I consider it important to be content with the result of any particular meditation session. Thoughts along the line of “I must be doing it wrong” lie in wait at every turn. I have to avoid sabotaging my practice by something after the meditation session.

Does this help? I hope this helps.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Quite A Few Worlds Were, But Are No More

Adriaan van Maanen, discoverer of van Maanen's Star. Quite a few worlds were, but are no more

A nearby star made the news this week. The star in question is known as both Van Maanen 2 and van Maanen’s Star, in honor of its discoverer, Adriaan van Maanen. Van Maanen’s Star isn’t in the news for any current property. The star is in the news for its ancient history. Van Maanen 2 is also in the news for a place in the history of human science.

Quite a few worlds were, but are no more

It frequently happens that scientists discover things when they’re looking for something else. That was the case in 1917 when Adriaan van Maanen discovered a small, dim star. Van Maanen’s Star is a white dwarf, not much bigger than Earth. Stars like our sun become white dwarfs when they exhaust their nuclear fuel. There are white dwarfs which are closer to our sun, such as Sirius B and Procyon B, but Van Maanen 2 is the closest white dwarf to the sun that isn’t a companion to a larger star.

Van Maanen's Star is pretty close to the sun, as stars go. Quite a few worlds were, but are no more

Quite a few worlds were, but are no more. Analyzing the light from this star offered a mystery. Van Maanen’s star contained elements that no one expected, such as iron. Between 1917 and now, astronomers discovered about 40 other white dwarfs with similar properties. Where did these heavy elements come from? Astronomers now believe they come from planets that once orbited the star. When did these planets start to orbit this star? 4.1 billion years ago. For how long did they orbit this star? They orbited Van Maanen 2 for roughly 900 million years. What happened to these planets? They were destroyed when van Maanen’s Star became a red giant along the way to becoming a white dwarf. This is a predictable event in the life cycle of stars. I marvel to think Van Maanen 2 contains traces of the planets that orbited it 3.2 billion years ago.

Analysis of light from Van Maanen 2. Quite a few worlds were, but are no more.

Quite a few worlds were, but are no more. What does this mean to me? Astronomers discovered the first exoplanet, or planet orbiting a star other than the sun, in 1992. Between 1992 and now, astronomers have discovered 3,550 exoplanets. But I learned something I didn’t know. There are many stars with planets around them now. There may be a great many stars that had planets around them in the past, but have them no longer. For all we know, those planets might have supported intelligent life, like our world does.

Astronomer Ben Zuckerman. Quite a few worlds were, but are no more

Quite a few worlds were, but are no more. In 2014, astronomer Ben Zuckerman had a “Eureka moment,” a moment of inspiration. In this moment, he realized that the mystery that puzzled van Maanen was in fact the first evidence of exoplanets discovered by scientists. Humanity first intuited exoplanets in the 1500’s.. But humanity discovered evidence for their existence about 70 years earlier than previously believed. Ben Zuckerman stretched himself in time.

Quite a few worlds were, but are no more. This is more than a historical curiosity. The New Message from God teaches that humanity is emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. How shall we prepare? We have to start somewhere.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

I Am Not A Pessimist – I Am A Realist

I am not a pessimist – I am a realist.pessimist

One of the avenues explored by the New Message from God addresses the Great Waves of Change descending on the world. You may be wondering what this declaration of future events is based on. It is based on a series of revelations received by Marshall Vian Summers. But who is to believe this? Where is the truth? Is it not just another false alarm about the end of the world?

Let’s take a look at what one of the New Message revelations called “The Global Emergency” has to say about this.


“Humanity is at the threshold of great global change, world change on a scale never seen before, caused now by humanity’s misuse and overuse of the world, by human ignorance and human greed. It is a condition now that will affect the lives of every person.

“The coastal cities and ports of the world could be flooded in 30 years. The lands will dry out. The crops will fail. There will be human migration on a scale never seen, with great tribulation and conflict arising. It will be an overwhelming situation if humanity does not prepare.”

I cannot argue with the fact that we have plundered our planet and continue to plunder it. As I see it, this cannot continue without facing disastrous consequences. I am inclined to believe what it says in this revelation. Something resonates within me at a deeper level.

Now let’s take a look at what Marshall Vian Summers himself has to say about this.

Where are the facts? Where is the evidence? Who can confirm this? All the same, something resonates within me at a deeper level. I do not need facts and evidence. It is enough to look around and feel what is going on in the world to be convinced of the truth of his words.

I am not a pessimist – I am a realist

However, for those who need facts and evidence, let’s take a look what the media has to say about this.

In 2013, RealClimate posted an article called Sea-Level Rise: What the Experts Expect

“In the long run, sea-level rise will be one of the most serious consequences of global warming. But how fast will sea levels rise? … A just-published survey of 90 sea-level experts from 18 countries now reveals what amount of sea-level rise the wider expert community expects. With successful, strong mitigation measures, the experts expect a likely rise of 40-60 cm in this century and 60-100 cm by the year 2300. With unmitigated warming, however, the likely range is 70-120 cm by 2100 and two to three meters by the year 2300.”

And here is what National Climate Assessment has to say about Sea Level Rise.

Projecting future rates of sea level rise is challenging. Even the most sophisticated climate models, which explicitly represent Earth’s physical processes, cannot simulate rapid changes in ice sheet dynamics, and thus are likely to underestimate future sea level rise. In recent years, “semi-empirical” methods have been developed to project future rates of sea level rise based on a simple statistical relationship between past rates of globally averaged temperature change and sea level rise. These models suggest a range of additional sea level rise from about 2 feet to as much as 6 feet by 2100, depending on emissions scenario.,,, It is not clear, however, whether these statistical relationships will hold in the future, or that they fully explain historical behavior. Regardless of the amount of change by 2100, however, sea level rise is expected to continue well beyond this century as a result of both past and future emissions from human activities.

There is a lot of talk about the shrinking polar ice caps and how this will effect the world.

Sea Ice Extent Sinks to Record Lows at Both Poles

Arctic sea ice appears to have reached on March 7 a record low wintertime maximum extent, according to scientists at NASA and the NASA-supported National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado.

I am not a pessimist, I am a realist. I understand that most people do not want to know anything about this. Maybe we’ll luck out and nothing will happen, think they. Or perhaps we can just ignore it and hope it will go away.

But do you want to be “most people?” Or are you willing to take responsibility for your life and the lives of those around you? Do you not feel that something is stirring and great changes are coming to the world? If so, look around you with clear eyes, not as a pessimist, but as a realist. And draw conclusions. Then prepare physically, mentally and spiritually.

How? I personally do this by taking the Steps to Knowledge.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

Мое предназначение развернётся как распускающийся папоротник

Мое предназначение развернётся как распускающийся папоротник.

мое предназначение развернётся

Шаг 33. У меня есть предназначение в жизни, которое я должна выполнить.

У тебя есть предназначение, которое ты должна выполнить. Предназначение, которое было дано тебе до того, как ты пришла сюда, и которое ты рассмотришь после того, как ты покинешь этот мир. Оно подразумевает восстановление Знания и правильную взаимосвязь с другими для того, чтобы произвести определённые результаты в этом мире. Это не так уж и важно на данный момент давать оценку своей нынешней жизни с целью увидеть, отражает ли она это предназначение или нет, так как ты сейчас вовлечена в процесс восстановления Знания. По мере того, как Знание будет становиться сильнее внутри тебя, оно будет благотворно воздействовать как на тебя, так и на других через тебя. В это время твои действия будут корректироваться по необходимости. Поэтому тебе не следует обвинять или оправдывать свое прошлое или настоящее, ибо ты сейчас следуешь высшей силе внутри себя.

Во время твоих двух длительных занятий сегодня размышляй над идеей о высшем предназначении в твоей жизни. Задумайся над этим. Не будь удовлетворена своими первичными ответами. Внимательно задумайся об этом. Подумай о том, что это может означать. Припомни те жизненные моменты, когда ты уже размышляла над этим или допускала возможность такого предназначения. Во время твоих практических занятий у тебя будет удобный случай задуматься об этом, но будь осторожна, не делай никаких заключений.

Практика 33: два практических занятия по 30 минут каждое.

Разъяснительное замечание–перевод Шагов к Знанию на русский язык находится на начальной стадии. Тот перевод, который вы тут читайте, является первой попыткой передавать смысл Шагов на русском языке.

В Шаге 33 говорится в том, что мне было дано предназначение до того, как я пришла сюда и я буду знать, выполнила я его или нет, только после того, как я покину этот мир. Когда я впервые услышала об этом, я огорчалась. Как же так? Я хотела знать сейчас же каково мое предназначение, зачем мучиться-то?

В моих записях я написала:

«Очень интересно, ведь, естественно, я хочу знать сейчас же каково мое предназначение. Очень как-то несправедливо, что выясняется, выполнила ли я свое предназначение или нет, когда я покину этот мир.

Но теперь, после того, как я начала проходить Шаги, мое мнение изменилось. Теперь я не тороплюсь, я готова ждать развития событий, уверена в том, что по мере того, как я восстановлю Знание внутри себя, оно поведет меня в нужное направление. И если я уже сейчас не занимаюсь тем, что должна заниматься в этой жизни, то скоро станет ясным и я буду знать куда идти, что делать».

Значит, когда я дошла до этого шага, я уже успокоилась и решила что, ничего страшного в том, что я не знаю каково мое предназначение, я уже живу в уверенности о том, что всё со временем выяснится. Мое предназначение развернётся как распускающийся папоротник.

Мое предназначение развернётся как распускающийся папоротник

Шаги к Знанию искусно рассматривают состояние дел в широком контексте. Они ловко уменьшают эго, чтобы оно вместилось в более разумных рамках.

Акцент перемешается от меня на более общую картину. Речь не о том, какая у меня есть важная и блистательная миссия, а о том, как Знание просвечивается через меня и делает свой вклад в мир. А это может проявляться в самом обыкновенном и маленьком деле. Моя миссия развернётся как распускающийся папоротник. Она не будет сногсшибательной, но она будет очень достойной и полезной.

Скачайте бесплатно “Шаги к Знанию” полностью тут.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.

I Must Stretch Myself In Space And Time

As I continue my engagement with the New Message from God, a feeling is growing in me.

I must stretch myself in space and time

What do I mean? I mean it just doesn’t feel good enough for me anymore for one part of humanity to succeed at the expense of another. I love my country. I want it to succeed. But I would take no joy in its success if it involved the failure of another nation. Is there any victory that isn’t a funeral? I dream a world where every nation has a memorial to the enemy combatants and civilians killed in its wars.

I must stretch myself in space and time. George Bernard Shaw wrote, “I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community, and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.” What if the words “whole community” were changed to “humanity,” or “the human family” or “the human race” or “my people?” That’s how I’m starting to feel.

Iroquois confederacy wampum belt. I must stretch myself in space and time.

I must stretch myself in space and time. What do I mean? I mean it just doesn’t feel good enough for me anymore to think of some future event and say, “Well, it’s not like I’m going to be around to see it.” I feel like taking a page from the Great Law of the Iroquois and considering the impact of something on humanity seven generations from now. I consider this as 140 years. The Iroquois realized that this was tricky. In their words, it required having “skin as thick as the bark of a pine.” I’m not sure I have that yet. All I know is that I’m working on it.

Brooklyn Bridge 1877 I must stretch myself in space and time.

I must stretch myself in space and time. One part of this awareness or perspective is to think of the world of seven generations ago. What lessons were learned (or not learned)? Unlike some people, I believe that every so often, humanity learns from history.

I must stretch myself in space and time. What do I mean? I mean I have to adjust my awareness to think a little bit more about the success of the human family. I mean I have to adjust my awareness to think further ahead than I’m used to thinking. Can I help my people succeed 140 years from now? All I know is that I must try.

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Welcome to Mystery of Ascension! We are students and advocates of the the New Message from God. We are members of a worldwide community. We seek to assist the world in successfully navigating difficult times ahead. We seek to assist the world in successfully emerging into a greater community of intelligent life. You will also find some poetry. Find out more about us here. Contact us here.